To say that training was boring would be an understatement. To say half the people he had the displeasure to work with here were asinine fools were something else. Back home these fools would be barely fit to be fodder. In fact that's where Rommel expected that there was a shallow grave waiting for most of these people. But for him, Jacob Rommel of the Cadet Squad, he expected to be placed somewhere useful where his abilities wouldn't be wasted. He'd settle for garrison but if those fools decided to force him into the bloody scouts...then he'd be a dead man and humanity would lose another potential general. For all the dislike he gathered no one could fault Jacob's intelligence. In fact to say he was a genius in the tactical and strategic fields would be an understatement. His brothers were experienced and though he had not talked to them in a long time he believed given time he could be their equals. Jacob had a long way to go he didn't deny that but he had come farther faster and better than most of his blasted contemporaries. What had they done? Shouted and boasted about their abilities? Fallen behind their promises to kill the insidious titans? That they would avenge their families who died? Bah all hogwash and grand standing bullshit that would lead them nowhere. If their passion drove them to greater heights then by all means use it but don't use it as a crutch because that only led to you being kicked down and eaten by stronger individuals who had nothing they needed to stand on. Jacob flipped the page of his book as he rested on his cot. His eyes skimming pages slowly and carefully. Even if he missed one word he knew he could miss out on a chance to become better. To finally find a way that he could use to surpass someone or something. These journals he kept were from his brother in the scout legion describing life in their corps. Bloody business but he was looking for clues and info he could use to analyze titans from behaviors to simple things that didn't work. If he was to come up with new weapons to kill them he needed to know how they lived and how they worked only THEN could he kill it. The hunter who didn't understand his prey fell to it or failed to catch it. He had ideas...though they probably won't be implemented or were rejected by former generations of the corps. Maybe...just MAYBE if he became a military police soldier he could talk to the big people about his theories. Gun powder....such a overlooked resource used for cannons and ineffective muskets. There were so many other uses for giant explosives that people many fools failed to understand the power of black powder...something he wouldn't fall prey too. [color=39b54a]"I knew a lady as beautiful as sin...I knew a lady as lovely as light..."[/color] Jacob grumbled to himself as he read the book. It was a song he knew all too well...