[h2]Andre Mcdonald[/h2] [h3]His own personal hell... [/h3] When one works with the general public, one quickly learns an important lesson: The General public are complete and utter bastards who should never be trusted with anything that requires two seconds of thought or consideration for the people that have to deal with the mess after they make it. Andre had learned this lesson a [i]long[/i] time ago, but that didn't change the fact that he still had to put up with it. Every day he went to work in Philadelphia at the public library was a new experience of the sick and twisted minds that he suspected were practicing to take over one of the many circles of hell; Books damaged by food, being handled too roughly, stolen, having pages torn out and spread around the building if not stolen outright and books being put back in the wrong places, paint!... and those were the standard issues he normally had to deal with by the end of the day. The weird and/or gross ones... the memories made Andre shiver. He couldn't help but feel that the library would be better off if it just kept its doors shut and kept the general public [i]out[/i] and away from the books. As he set another book back into its rightful place, he glanced towards his watch to check the time. About fifteen minutes past his shift, but there was so much backlog and it needed to be done while the library was closed otherwise it wouldn't get done at all. He didn't mind really... Being in the library by himself was rather peaceful after a bad day.