An hour later, Yang's bike was horribly parked on the pavement to The Club as she kept on the shades, climbing up the steps into the building. As expected, the glass doors ceremoniously slid open for Yang as she basked in the energetic atmosphere and current soft house song, revealing a toothy, mischievous grin. Her smile dropped when she saw Miltia and Melanie dancing with the DJ and teasingly wearing his scarf and mascot head. "[i]Try hards[/i]," she commented under her breath, easing through the crowd, pouncing on Junior the moment he was leaning over to reach a bottled champagne. "Heeeeeey, Junior!" she teased as she giggled hearing his cursing under his breath. "Been a long time, huh? I see you got everything... remolded," she taunted. "Blon-- [i]sir[/i]," he greeted with deep irritation. "What do you want." Yang crossed her arms, pouting her lips, as she mockingly looked up to the ceiling, tapping her foot until he sighed knowingly what she wanted; she grinned in response. "I haven't seen her." "But the point is you have... you have met her before and Roman too. Come on, Junior, just make it easy for the both of us," she laughed out loud, "What am I saying!? For [i]you[/i], silly." Junior leaned against the bar counter until he perked up. "Wait, you said 'her'. Hold on. Who are we talking about? I just had a guy..." he immediately stopped himself. "[i]What the heck is going on... two people in the same day looking for something...[/i]," he muttered, drinking in a lot from the bottle. "Who came here, Junior?" Yang demanded.