[quote=Omega] , Main battle tank concept began in WWII with medium tanks evolving into the roll as armor became less useful due to increasingly effective main guns. Also i was given a great deal, including 4 regiments worth of heavy tanks. You like the IS-3 so much but seem to be forgetting I have them too. We are still in an era were airplanes have difficulty against ground armor actually. Post war tests showed most weapons were not accurate enough or not powerful enough to actually known out a tank and the necessary missile developments have not progressed to the point where you will see many AFVs defeated by airpower. I also have a noticeable sea border, if the USSR chooses to invade the US and UK will likely extend a hand of friendship. [/quote] I'm not talking about the Russian air force's abilities against AFVs. I'm talking about its ability to bomb and possibly flatten cities. You're also forgetting that if the west gets involved, this will escalate into WW3. I don't think the US and the UK are stupid enough to start WW3 over infighting in the USSr, especially when this benefits them in the sense that the USSR is throwing materiel at someone who's already in their sphere of influence. You were most likely not given IS-3s, but IS-2s. The MBT concept really started with the Cent, but only become an actual thing after North Korea, with the T-54 hitting the battlefields and heavy tanks finally becoming outdated. You also seem to forget that your military is still stuck in the era of WW2, so the whole MBT thing is pointless anyway.