Alex looked a little defeated as the dwarf did not play along, weren't young people meant to be brash and stupid when it came to sharing money? They were starting to get wiser it seemed, but it didn't matter in the end as the important thing was that she was not introduced and caulght their attention. [b]"When you hear someone mention your name it is normally followed by 'yeah that dwarf in the bright crimson gear'"[/b] She smiled a little as she answered the dwarfs first question, it was not hard to get his name, heck it was not hard to get anyones name since you could even overhear it just like she did for Aurora. Her attention was taken by the elf that addressed the dwarf about not parting with his money, a shame that she did not play along either but she had expected her to do so given her demeanor. She spoke in just a reserved way, almost like a noble of old but there was also a cold sharpness that followed her words. [b] "Not drinking because you are young? Heh, I didn't know people worried about such things anymore." [/b] While the elf was speaking to her fox Alex leaned on her hand, her crimson eyes peering through her bangs to take in the interaction. She gladly accepted the offer of the elf to pay for a drink! Taking her chance she leaned over the counter and pointed at a very cheap small bottle of wine, which she took and uncorked with a gleeful smile. [b]"Thanks Aurora. Though I already knew your name too. You may call me Alex."[/b] With a small raise of the bottle as a cheers she took a good gulp of the fruity, and rather watery, wine.