[h2][b]Magnus the Red[/b][/h2] '...no, s'r'sly, how'd ye figure out mah name, lady?' I ask the older woman, now slightly annoyed. I'd normally be starting to jab the both of them by this point, but I'm actually concerned about this right now. 'Ah haven' exactly spoken much t'anyone 'ere yet, an' ah cer'ainly haven' been goin' round tellin' ev'ryone "'ey, ah'm Magnus the Red, nice t'meet ye". Also, just'n case ye didn' notice, there were a [i]lot[/i] a people goin' round in brightly-coloured gear earlier. 'm pretty sure I'm not that special right now, other than that ah'm the only person in that particul'r group who stuck around. So out with it: where'd'y' hear about me?'