Ryou's eyes widened in alarm as Shira walked right up to the samurai and asked to be allowed inside. "Shira, wait-" But it was too late. Ryou was really going to need to get a teammate leash for her or something. Probably one with a zombie design. It wasn't like Ryou didn't trust Shira's judgement, but this was a little... if-y. He didn't want her to get hurt, and what if they were all turned away and suffered hypothermia? Ryou followed after Shira and smiled towards the samurai. "Please," He repeated because that magic word could really turn the situation around. Thankfully, the samurai allowed them to enter and he happily followed behind Shira. Any place was better than [i]outside[/i]. There were a lot of jinchuriki inside which meant that this meeting was serious. There wasn't going to be any jokes or smiles or laughter. Ryou was sure this was going to be a straight-to-the-point meeting and soon they'd all be ushered out. [I]Kii.[/i]. Sometimes Ryou just wasn't sure what Kii was capable of. Firmly, Ryou placed his hand on Kii's shoulder. "Relax." He said, smiling. "We're all on the same side, remember?" The Republic. They were all apart of the Republic! Sure, the villages were still separated but they were still one. Except maybe not for Konoha..? Konoha's situation was a little confusing and it didn't help that attempts of communications weren't really going through. Wherever Shira would sit, Ryou would plop into the seat next to her. Kii didn't seem to be wanting to sit down anytime soon but Ryou wasn't going to push the subject. "Can the code word be zombies?" Ryou suggested, finding this situation actually kinda cool. They were here in a room full of some of the most powerful people in the Republic attending a meeting gennin typically never attended!