Alright I have returned from the darkness known as work and life. Thus begins the time for me to do that GM thang. [@CutUp] I actually like him and every kick ass team needs the guy to blow shit up. You are right though the history could use a little work, maybe mention how it felt for him to have to go back and slaughter his people when the Mando's came through Iridonia's colonies and eventually Iridonia itself about a year prior to the RP as a suggestion because helping commit the slaughter of your race even if you gave them up still probably has a way of effecting you. But you know that is just a suggestion, feel free to rework the history if you want but in its current iteration I see no real glaring issues that need to be addressed. So whenever you feel ready you may post your CS to the character tab. [@Gowi] We went most of the stuff already through Skype and everything checks out still, so you may also post your CS to the character tab. [@Sep] Oh hey Sep, I haven't seen you in a long ass minute. Last time was what...... Jedi Exile I think? Damn that was around two years ago by this point. But you sir with your overflowing bastion of knowledge of the Star Wars Universe would be a welcomed addition. In its current iteration we currently have a support role, heavy weapons, squad leader and a CQC specialist. So I suppose we could use somebody with a little more range, a designated marksman or something like that. Or if you really want to be fancy and mess with the group dynamic a FNG. But really I'm not here to tell people to create characters to fit specific roles. I only askthat said characters are interesting, well thought out and their players are willing to tell a fine ass story [@coolguy][@Zoldyck][@sloth] Any updates on how your sheets are progressing? [i]Anyway to give you guys an estimate it is currently Thursday here on the lovely eastern coast of America, I would love to have this up and going by the weekend since it is labor day weekend here so I'll have a little bit more time to make sure everything hits the ground running.[/i]