[hider= Luke Schwarz Ceases Negotiations!] [b]Intro:[/b] Luke steps forward and switches his watches to gauntlet mode with, depending on his opponent, a weary sigh and an [b]"I hate to do this, but..."[/b], an intense [b]"Looks like I'll need to bring my A-Game!"[/b], or a partly casual, partly intimidated [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HOAuiY5XFQ]"Yo."[/url][/b] [b]Playstyle:[/b] Short Range, Combo-heavy rushdowning. Nothing to really mince words about, he's straightforward and to the point. Work your way in (ideally off of a whiffed attack from your opponent) and grind them to paste, taking every inch they give. Decent grabs and throws owing to the character's sort-of-MMA style, but not a cornerstone of his gameplay so much as situational tools. Really does not like Fireballs, or zoning in general. [b]Three Special Moves:[/b] [b]Flying Knee[/b] -- Distance-covering leap forward and up, striking with the (take a wild fucking guess) Knee. Good range, neutralized if collides with another attack but can work as anti-air, a guard-breaking strike, or the start or end of a combo. [b]Counter Revolution[/b] -- Luke's lead hand smacks an incoming strike aside and returns fire with a vicious strike from his drilled fist. Similar to Dudley's Cross Counter, it will not work on projectiles, nor throws, nor most low attacks. [b]Pierce the Heavens![/b] -- Short range Drill Uppercut that will launch both Luke and his opponent into the air on a slight diagonal, hitting three times. Should Luke miss the strike, he will stand in the pose for a moment ([url=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y70/beastofbloodgaara/Captain%20Harlock%20n%20Gurren%20Lagann/kamina1c.jpg]you know the one[/url]), pointing his drill straight upwards and very open for punishment. Has Guard-Breaking properties. Despite the spirit involved, use with trepidation! [b]Instant Kill:[/b] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukXbKr6fvdw]"Let's settle this!"[/url][/b] Luke tackles the opponent, throws them up into the air and, with a manic grin on his face shown in the POV shot as the opponent falls back down, gets into a comical dustball tussle with them, shots of moments where both characters each have the upper hand rapidly fly through the screen in sequence, some serious, others silly. The dustball clears, and a very tattered, bloody, and beaten up Luke is seated on the back of his fallen foe's face-down form, smirking as he twirls a watch around his finger. [b]V-Trigger:[/b] [b]"Not going down so easy!"[/b] For a brief period of time Luke gains the "Regenerating Health" buff, giving him 75% of his health back over time. Once that designated amount is reached, it stops no matter where the health bar itself may be at. Useful in a pinch, but to gain the full benefit of it the player either needs to start turtling up or stomping the everliving hell out of their opponent. [b]Taunt:[/b] Steps forward in a very deliberately Jojo-inspired pose, hand on his belt, finger pointed towards his opponent: [b]"You can't win!"[/b] [hider=Special] [i]Special Input Taunt:[/i] [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/d158f047d0823673ec1c47dc3a8ea890/tumblr_nhglrfkpFk1s6441yo1_500.gif]Gets his groove on[/url] whilst humming [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ0ymYGQNa8]a certain song...[/url] [/hider] [b]Win Animation:[/b] Pumps his fist in celebration, before pointing and looking up to the sky. [b]"Nailed it!"[/b] [b]Win Quotes:[/b] Jack Orpheus: [b]"Looks like it's my win the time, Leader. Tough one to get, but it's mine."[/b] Mokuren Sabella: [b]"I think I'm starting to figure you out, y'know?"[/b] Cian Kuze: [b]"No [i]illusion[/i] coul-- Yeah, sorry. Dick move."[/b] Luke Schwarz (Mirror Match): [b]"Sheesh, I know I beat myself up over things, but..."[/b] Vega Venetia: [b]"[i]Veni, vidi, vici[/i]. Isn't that how it goes?"[/b] Gratia Mindaro: [b]"Holy [i]shit[/i] that was terrifying! Please, [i]never, ever[/i] fight me again!"[/b] Napoli Fiordillatte: [b]"That [i]was[/i] a proper enough greeting at beginning, right? Na[i]polise[/i] get going."[/b] Beryl Harken: [b]"There's a whole 'biblical flood' thing in this somewhere, but I'll leave figuring it out to your teammate."[/b] Benjamin Lloyd: [b]"People barely scraping their way in here gotta stick together. You okay?"[/b] Amaranth Desire: [b]"You [i]still[/i] don't have a uniform? What, do they not have any tailors handy? Even I know [i]one[/i]! ... Speaking of, what [i]are[/i] your sizes?"[/b] Lauren Negasi: [b]"You know, I don't have an older sister, but if I did, you'd remind me of her."[/b] Robert Fallson: [b]"Never figured there'd be a "there can only be one" deal for normal people here..."[/b] Emerald Felicia: [b]"Now would you please settle down a bit? I'm almost cross-eyed."[/b] Sarina Tala Dei: [b]"Aren't [i]senpais [/i]supposed to [i]not[/i] nearly kill their underclassmen?!"[/b] Sterling Johnson: [b]" 'My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious.' Sound familiar?"[/b] Clair Carnelian: [b]"I swear, you really make me not want to look at any sword for the next week."[/b] Diamond Frost: [b]"Turns out, the streets can't teach the fundamentals after all."[/b] Kuhaku Shiro: [b]"Sparring class all over again... great fight!"[/b] Volk Baron: [b]"Get up. I'm not finished."[/b] [hider=Non-Beacon Characters] Genji Gurren?!: [b]"M-Master?! Why're you letting me off so easy?"[/b] [i]April Schwarz?!?![/i]: [b]"Told you I'd win this one. Go [i]home,[/i] sis. Shouldn't you be back at Signal, anyway?"[/b] [i][b]Unnamed Schwarz Matriarch?!?!?![/b][/i]: [b]"Uh, Mom? I'm not in trouble, am I? [sub]Please don't kill me.[/sub]"[/b] [/hider] [/hider]