"Would a man with two right feet not have learned how to handle his deformity since he's lived with it his whole life? Barring that, I believe he would use a walking stick to give himself the ability to maintain balance." Vaeri stared at Tobias, unable to hide the bemused on her face as he tried to console Big Brut Pally Hugh over his apparent issues with Sana. She had noticed her treating BBPH differently today than she had the day before, but the relationship issues of others was not something she made a habit of concerning herself with. "So how about you, Sir Tobias? How did you end up traveling with a woman as young and spry as Fiona? Perhaps she is your protege, learning the art of noble thievery and adventuring from you?" Vaeri did the best she could to avoid laughing or smiling too wide as she said this. There was only so far she could take the charade before cracking after all.