[hider=Lauren Negasi's Fight of the Century!] [b]Intro:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwDOa-lvizM][b]"Day-ooo."[/b][/url] Lauren stands on the tiptoes of both feet and grinds them into the ground, like a bull preparing a charge; the only expression she gives her opponent is a berserker's grin, with teeth scraping one edge of her bottom lip as she gets herself pumped. [b]Playstyle:[/b] She's very much a Rushdowner kind of gal, quick with her fists and relentless with her strikes. Preferred method of attack is getting you into a hold and then coming at you with hands like meathooks, or throwing you along the arena bodily and wreaking carnage on you before you can even remember what standing up felt like. [b]Special Moves[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkOJ9uNj9EY][u][i]This Rap Shit Is Mine![/i][/u] [/url]- Lauren's strike drives square into her opponent's face, sending him reeling backwards, but she's a goodhearted girl. She's there to catch her opponent by the back of the neck with her other hand - and promptly lift them up, slamming them in a classic WWE chokeslam face down into the ground. Nothing [i]kayfabe[/i] about this, fam. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAnGnevKxJE][u][i]The Takeover, The Break's Over![/i][/u][/url] - In case the fight seems to be wearing down, or her opponent looks like he's in the mood to poop out and take a nap, Lauren is always there to provide proper motivation - by using her own body as a fulcrum and swinging her axe, face flat, right into the rump of her opponent. As if it wasn't hard enough sitting through math class. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdmDp8_l-3c][u][i]Here Comes The Hotstepper![/i][/u][/url] - Lauren, when her opponent is on the ground, will leap into the air and land, hard, with several alternating kicks on her opponent's gut. The air in their lungs becomes a thing of blessed memory. [b]Instant Kill:[/b] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atKUCxXanXA]"Yahahaha."[/url][/b] Lauren places a disdainful foot onto the solar plexus of her opponent and shoves them back several inches, knocking the wind from them. Instead of advancing in her normal charge, she'll do a spin, much like you'd expect from a particularlly bombshell dreidel, and complete her 360 with a triumphant, hype upwards bitchslap into the side of her opponent's head. [b]V-Trigger:[/b] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iMz70re41A]"LAUREN BOMAYE!"[/url][/b] Lauren's white leather jacket will toughen up to the consistency of metal, giving her 50% protection against strikes and a 50% increase in the ferocity and speed behind her hits. [b]Taunt:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ooPp0-UX48][b]"Wallahi, bruh!"[/b][/url] Negasi will clench her fists and tap them twice against each other, sending threatening [i]thunks[/i] like knocking on wood through the air each time. [b]Win Animation:[/b] An emphatic kiss planted on her index and middle fingertips, which are then placed into a haphazard salute against her right brow. This is generally thrown at the first member of BASL she can pick out of the crowd watching, though she's just as happy to do it to the Big Damn Man Above if none of her team is around. [b]Win Quotes:[/b] Benjamin Lloyd: [b]"Aww, suck it up, Cap! This is, like, four times longer than any guy has ever spent with my legs!"[/b] Amaranth Desire: [b]"Just so you know, I will [i]totally[/i] do dinner to make this up to you."[/b] Sangue Naga: [b]"Bring it in for a biiiig, [i]biiiig[/i] hug. No, no, one arm is cool! Just the one. Good fight, Sangue."[/b] Luke Schwarz: [b]"Good fighting, Schwarz. Actually reminds me of this guy I knew at Signal. Y'know, cute, laid back, bit of a beta...what's your relationship with your pecs?"[/b] Emerald Felicia: [b]"Sorry! Sorry. Guess I don't know my own strength...heh. How's that paper airplane throwing arm holding up?"[/b] Gratia Mindaro: [b]"Jeez...that's how they grow 'em at Haven? Hot damn. Remind me to stay on your...uh...good side?"[/b] Napoli Fiordillatte: [b]"I knew I should've expected a good fighter. You've gotta be to deal with...y'know...[i]yeesh.[/i] Good fight, Fiordillatte...and cool name."[/b] Diamond Frost: [b]"That was for my teammate."[/b] Volk Baron [ditching any pretense of a Vale accent]: [b]"How can it be a [i]black[/i] market if it's full of white trash?"[/b] [s]Sloan Negasi: [b]"I don't care how much taller you are than me, kid! I'll put another boot up your ass for every inch!"[/b][/s][/hider]