Here's my character I hope it's acceptable. [hider=Furie][center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]"You sure you wanna mess with me darlin?"[/center] [center][img][/img] [i][b]Name[/b][/i] Faith Elise Mackenzie [i][b]Codename[/b][/i] Furie [i][b]Age[/b][/i] 28 [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Sexuality[/b][/i] Heterosexual [i][b]Nationality[/b][/i] American but born in Scotland [img][/img] [b][i]Height[/i][/b] 5"8 [b][i]Weight[/i][/b] 122lbs [b][i]Hair Color[/i][/b] Blonde [b][i]Eye Colour[/i][/b] Green [b][i]Appearance[/i][/b] Faith is a slender woman with just enough weight for her to not be considered skin and bone. Combine that with her vivid green eyes and delicate facial features and you have a very pretty appearance. She has the sort of sweet features that would make you think she is sweet, and gentle. She has blonde hair worn in long ringlets past her shoulder blades and pale skin with just a hint of the sun. Her style, when not working, she wears long flowing skirts, baggy or ripped vests and shawls. She has also been seen in bohemian style maxi dresses and is never without her favorite pair of faded brown cowboy boots. She likes big belts and wears multiple necklaces and silver rings. Her "work" attire is a lot simpler being all in one leather (see link for costume, though Faith's is dark red rather than black and the mask is also dark red) [url][/url] [url][/url] [img][/img] [b][i]Personality[/i][/b] Faith is blunt and abrasive, she says what she thinks and doesn't try and soften it no matter what the subject. She has a chip on her shoulder the size of England and generally switches between being angry or numb with nothing in between. She is prickly, defensive and downright impossible to get to know. She has a nasty temper and it doesn't take much to set it off. Yet even with all this you would still want her on your side in a fight, she will fight to the bitter end with a recklessness that suggests she doesn't care about her own life. She is not suicidal, just likes living on the edge. She's an adrenaline junkie and this makes her reckless. She cares for very little other than herself and has no compunction about killing those who get in her way or make her angry. She sees people as things to be used and then discarded and will quite happily do so. She does have a sense of loyalty though and won't shit in her own back yard (as she describes it) meaning that she won't stab those she works with in the back unless they piss her off. She might have been a kind, sweet person once but her parents put paid to that. Perhaps the only remnant of the girl she was before manifesting her ability is her fondness for animals and nature. Although this could also be due to her connection to the Earth through the Ley Lines. She is very good at insulting people without cussing and will often use endearments (darlin, honey etc) even when angry or insulting someone. This is clearly her way of patronizing them. [img][/img] [b][i]Powers[/i][/b] Faith is a genuine witch and her particular specialty is Ley Lines, she can tap into these lines of power and do various things: Energy Blasts: Hurling pure Ley Line energy at something. Telekinesis: Using the energy to move things with her mind. Energy Constructs: Create things from the energy to fight with/for her. Energy Shield: Can use the energy to shield her from harm. Astral Projection: Her mind can leave her body. Transmutation: Can travel through the Ley Lines. [b][i]Equipment[/i][/b] Pair of Sai - Main weapons when out of Ley Line Range [url][/url] Tanto - Last resort kept in a thigh sheath [url][/url] [i][b]Strengths[/b][/i] Sai combat - Proficient with Sai. Tanto combat - Proficient with the Tanto blade. Magic Knowledge - Well versed on magic, the occult and Witchcraft. Observant - Skilled at reading others body language, Facial expressions and Tone of voice. Acting - Able to play a persona (sweet innocent girl mainly, uses to talk her way out of trouble) [b][i]Weaknesses[/i][/b] Leyline Locations: Whilst these are criscrossed all over the world they are not everywhere and some are weaker than others. Depending on her location Faith can be rendered completely powerless if lacking a line to draw from, or weaker if the line is not very strong. Temper: Faith has a very short temper and can often go into a rage in the middle of a fight, this makes her very unpredictable. Physically Normal: Faith can be injured or killed as easily as the next person, if her powers or combat fail her then she is as good as dead. Same goes for her speed, agility and senses. Reckless: She will often run into danger just for the hell of it even if its more than she can handle. Overload: If Faith draws too much power at once or uses it for too long it will incapacitate her. Religion - Faith is terrified of churches, crosses and those who work for the church (nuns, priests etc) and she will not go anywhere near them if she can help it. [img][/img] [i][b]History[/b][/i] Faith was born in the north of Scotland in a remote village community, her father was the priest of the local church and her mother a housewife. She grew up in a very strict household as her father had a high standard for what he considered good Christian behavior and expected his family to adhere to his rules. They were allowed no television or modern books or magazines as he believed they were a bad influence and they were expected to pray every day and read from the bible every evening. Faith had no friends growing up as her parents believed they were a bad influence and the local kids thought she was stuck up and shunned her. Despite all this Faith loved her parents and accepted her lifestyle as proper and correct. When she was ten she began to experience odd sensations, bursts of energy where she felt as though she had electricity under her skin, these grew until one day without realizing she drew upon the energies of a ley line. Ley lines covered the Earth and the rectory where she lived happened to be on top of one of them. Unknown to her or her parents she was a descendant of a Ley Line Witch (Her maternal Great grandmother) and could not help but reach out for one when her abilities first blossomed. Luckily at her young age she could not draw the full amount that she would be able to when she is older but it was enough to cause her to violently throw everything around her against the walls. Furniture and her shocked parents were literally slammed against the wall by the force and were held there by the energy coming from their daughter. It lasted for only a few minutes but it changed Faith's life forever, her parents had always been particularly zealous in their beliefs and this only worsened after what had happened. They believed she was possessed and did everything they could to cleanse her soul, she received beatings and was locked in a dark room and starved regularly. They attempted to exorcise her on several occasions and all of this torment badly scarred Faith to the point where she began to believe what they told her. Things reached boiling point when she turned twelve and had suffered her parents misguided attempts to "cure" her for two years. As they were dragging her towards the dark room, which she feared more than anything else, her mind snapped and she drew on the ley line again. She drew enough power this time to hurl the power directly and both her parents were hit with the energy blasts. Her mother died moments after Faith collapsed and her father died in the hospital after he had told authorities that Faith had attacked them. She was sent to a juvenile detention centre where she lived until she turned eighteen. After she was released she roamed aimlessly, using her power to get what she wanted and killing those who stood in her way. The abuse and incarceration had destroyed the innocent little girl and replaced it with an angry sociopath who believed herself to be evil. After a year of travelling she met another witch, an American/Japanese woman called Maya, who she recklessly tried to kill. Maya nearly killed her but stopped just before doing so, she later said she saw herself in Faith, Maya taught her the art of combat with various Japanese blades and how to master her abilities. Maya herself, was a Demon Witch and sold her talents to the highest bidder. They ended up in New Orleans where Faith used her talents to earn money, conning tourists and performing jobs for the locals, creating charms and casting spells etc. Whilst Maya travelled the world Faith was content to milk New Orleans for all it was worth. She liked the town with its old world feel and its undercurrent of violence and mystique. Faith had been living with Maya in New Orleans for eight years when Maya sold Faith out to the authorities, Faith still has no idea why. After living with Maya for so long Faith had made the mistake of letting her guard down and the team of black ops that Maya had allowed in took her unawares though not without a fight. Expecting death, she was a mass murderer after all, she was surprised when she taken to a facility and injected with nanobots and then stuck in a cell. [i][b]Other[/b][/i] Maya - Maya is reasonably well known in criminal circles as someone not to mess with. Project Rehab originally wanted her but Maya was protected by her very powerful family who were Yakuza. Faith has a score to settle with her and will not rest until she's killed Maya. Heritage: Faith comes from a line of witches going back to Salem, this often skips several generations. Accent - Faith speaks with an odd mix of New Orleans twang and a Scottish lilt. [/center][/hider]