Diego made it down the ramp easily and gracefully, while the princess descended slowly, nearly tumbling down the entire makeshift ramp. They both listened to Ian's idea. After listening, Julia's eyes became purple, "Personally, I don't care whether or not we split up, I'm going to the Crystal Rivers. You may join me if you wish." After being pushed, Diego gives Meryn an apologetic look. "I don't really know much more than you do, honestly. I'll try my best..." "Queen Julia," said Diego, "I think you should explain to them what the Crystal Rivers are." Queen Julia scoffed, "What kind of person doesn't know what the Crystal Rivers are?" "Julia, have you seen any of these people before? They are foreigners from a distant land. In fact, most of them probably aren't even familiar with magic." "That's [i]Queen[/i] Julia..." her voice fades away as she realizes how out of place everyone seems. "Uh... fine, I'll explain," she said finally. [hider=The Crystal Rivers] Most people aren't born with magical powers, of course. They touch the Crystal Rivers, which are just south of here. Anyone who simply touches the water becomes a Shaman, who can use magical items. However, if one submerges half of their body in the Crystal Rivers, then they become an Enchanter, who can make normal items magical ones. If one manages to actually swim in the Rivers, they become a sage. Most people that get close to the Crystal Rivers are sages. A sage can't just start casting spells- they need to see a spell performed in order to cast it. Plus, they have to have some sort of magical item to help them channel their powers The sage can only perform certain types of magic, based on how their body is moved through the Rivers. You can't control where the currents push you at that point, and nobody knows what type of magic you get from going down different streams. In fact, most people aren't even sure that we have found all the different magic types. They range from control of fire, to creation of living beings. Wizards submerge themselves completely in the water. They don't need to see a spell performed to cast it, they don't need to be aided by magical items, and they can do whatever their magic type allows them. They are only limited by imagination and energy. Using magic burns energy- lots of energy. Wizards can build up magical strength and stamina, therefore many experienced wizards can cast bigger and better spells without having to worry about passing out. Magicians drink the water from the Crystal Rivers. They have control of all of the different types of magic- they don't have to specialize. And finally, the Sorcerers are the ones who put the water into their bloodstream. They aren't limited by stamina. Only by imagination. They simply see themselves doing something and it is done. However, it takes tremendous skill to be a Sorcerer. There are only five, and they stand as guardians of the Crystal Rivers. [/hider] Queen Julia stops as her eyes become a dull brown, "if you thought that was complicated... well, it's not even that simple. You can't just go for a bath in the Crystal Rivers. The water [i]is alive.[/i] And it's constantly hungry. If it thinks you are weak, it devours you. That's why the guardians are there. They want to make sure that those who enter the water aren't going to be swallowed immediately. You know... uh... yeah...they put you through a series of test." the queen seemed to become bored with the conversation and stared off into the distance.