[b]Full![/b] [img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/tumblr_m2mbniLKtl1rn0y7so1_500.gif[/img] For centuries, people have looked up at the sky and have seen a wide variety of different shapes and patterns. They gave them names and often created stories out of these characters they saw every night. Even in modern day, these constellations are all still well known. What people lack knowledge of, is that these constellations are actually guardians of Earth. These beings have been in a deep slumber for centuries as they have used their bodies and powers as shields against the darkness that lies in the sky. They have been this way for a very long time and haven't been awake since the world was young and they roamed it's surface. Now, a greater force has knocked them back on to the ground from which they came from so long ago. The guardians will fall one by one and have to fight the darkness from the ground if they are to protect their dear planet as they have for centuries before. ------- [center][b]The Idea[/b] [/center] Ok sorry if the intro was a bit unclear! I'll go ahead and summarize it now so you get the gist. Basically the role-play will center around characters that were previously constellations. The constellations had worked together as a shield for the Earth which protected it from the darkness which lies in the sky as well (I have several ideas on what the darkness could be. Demons, dark constellations, etc.). All constellations were originally from earth with stories that may be similar to the ones people developed about them over time or could be completely different (the freedom is yours to choose). For some unknown reason, the constellations begin to fall from the sky and are forced back into a human state but still have powers/attributes of the constellation they stand for. For example, Sagittarius might be able to summon a bow with unlimited arrows. Anyways, now that they aren't able to protect the skies anymore, the darkness has begun it's attack on Earth. The constellations will have to figure out ways to fight it in their current form while being spread out all over the globe. One part of this role-play I would like to do is to have multiple groups of characters, like one group in California, one in England, etc., that we are able to bounce between. Of course humans will also be apart of the role-play and how they help/interact with the constellations. -------- [center][b]What I'm Looking For[/b][/center] I don't want to make this a very big role-play since it can be hard to keep track. I'm looking for maybe 3-4 other people who are able to role-play multiple characters and can help me build this idea just a bit more since I know it isn't in depth yet of our setting and so on. I'd like to include romance as an underlying theme but it definitely won't be the focus of the role-play. It'll mainly be fantasy/action.