"It was nothing," Tholo replied after a short pause ",No worries about Danilo, he was going to find out eventually. He isn't bad once you get to know him. Sure his hopeless romantic ideas can get a little nerve racking but a good guy to talk with." He should of perhaps turned himself to his car, waited for Danilo there but he remained where he was, his mind thinking on what else to say. A grin formed on his face when he remembered the little scene in the cafe. "Though the hug was priceless to watch," he joked ",I was afraid I was going to have to go in and pry him off you before you attacked him." He slightly laughed at the thought of trying to pry Danilo away from an angry vampire, something he would never of though imagining but the circumstances had made it happen. "Also I think you are looking for [i]'le secret est découvert'[/i] in your tongue," he added afterwards ",Met my first soulmate in France so needed to know some French." He explained if she asked him how he knew French. It pained him to mention his other soulmates but he couldn't always try to beat around the topic. It stung but the wound at least wasn't fresh and open.