[h3]Guide:[/h3] As those of you who've sent in sheets will by now know, I'm running this very carefully and specifically. This will continue once I start dropping private hints and such, and while I won't tell you 'how to do your jobs', I'm gonna put some stuff here about how I work and how I think this'll work best. [indent][b]"May or may not":[/b][/indent] At some point in the game, I'll sooner or later send you the details of a clue, which will be prefaced with 'You may or may not notice'. This means what it says on the tin. If you don't think your character is observant enough to notice/don't want to go down that path, you may not notice whatever it is, as it suits you. Incidentally, I may or may not be throwing red herrings into the mix as well, so beware being led on a wild goose chase. :P [indent][b]Short Posts:[/b][/indent] I'm, uh, not a fan. I won't mind one or two, but because of the nature of this game where there will be secrecy and obfuscation from everybody at all times, I feel like the rapid changing of POV that comes with short posts might make things messy and more difficult to follow. I don't expect every post to be war and peace, but, particularly where you have an extended conversation with another character, I would prefer you to collaborate on posts with other characters rather than backing-and-forth-ing one-liners. If you've seen my other game, Wolf Manor, that's a particularly good example of how collabs work, I think - it reads better, and doesn't flip-flop the POV, even if it can take a lot lot longer. [indent][b]Mass Unguided Group Conversation of Doom:[/b][/indent] This is what I call it when there are many characters in the room and all taking part in the same conversation. This is a [i]nightmare[/i] in my experience, because it tends to suck the energy from the game, less active players get shut out, the conversation is unnatural, and it doesn't tend to actually get anywhere. I will be trying to find ways of preventing this from happening, but also brainstorming a way that, if it must be done, and it probably will happen at least once, it can be done better. [indent][b]The GM Done Goofed[/b][/indent] Maybe. But maybe not. If you find repeating to yourself the mantra ("Jig is always right") doesn't help assuage your concerns, if you think you've spotted an inconsistency in the game and would like to challenge it, maybe PM it to me rather than point it out in front of everybody. Firstly, it might not be an inconsistency at all, but skulduggery, and, secondly, if it is an inconsistency, I can secretly bodge it without anybody having to know I done goofed. ^^ Meanwhile, based on how Wolf Manor is progressing, I'll regularly ask at intervals basically if everybody is happy, and give you general options about how you'd like the game to progress. If you ever feel like you're not getting something from how the game is running or you're getting something you don't want, talk to me! I don't bite, and I'm happy to have this show on the road, so if I can make the ride better for youse, then I'll do my best. [indent][b]"Jig, I have to drop out..."[/b][/indent] Okay, it happens. It does. And I'll be sad, but if you have RL stuff, I don't want you to dick about on here while your actual life goes to shit, so I'll understand. What I would ask is, if possible, to tell me this [i]privately[/i] and be prepared for one more post so that I can neatly murder you off. I'd really appreciate it if you'd do that (more than anything else).