“Very well, I will be back with the rest of the group,” she said before giving Epona a gentle pat. Turning she left her steed there at the cave with Derrix and began to walk back towards the main road; figuring Epona could use a rest from carrying her most of the day. Glancing up at the sky she sighed slightly, it was going to be a long and dreary evening but hopefully the morning would bring about a brighter day on many levels. Pulling the hood of her mantle up, she tucked loose strands of gold beneath it. Thunder rolled through the country side as she pressed through the forest, down the path that lead back to the main road. The wind whipping through the leaves as the chilled air was brought down from the atmosphere to the ground below; a shiver running through Sanas senses as she pulled her cloak tightly around her form. As she reached the road she glanced around, it would be sometime before the main part of the group caught up with them. Looking towards a tree, she placed one foot in front of the other; making a quick sprint before she leapt; fingers reaching up and wrapping around the lower limb of a maple, her body arching to pull her around and up. Releasing her grasp she landed softly on the branch, the movement of leaves unnoticeable due to the winds already cutting through them. Sliding down the trunk of the tree she rested down on the branch, letting a leg dangle freely as she sat there and leaned back to get comfortable. It was as good a place as any to keep watch, allowing her a clear sight of the road without exposing her own presence. Resting her head back, she watched the road; the wind kicking up the dust of the trail as the storm rolled in. A deep breath and she could taste the oncoming rain; it would be there before the rest of the group arrived unless they hurried their pace. Sana used this time alone to think about the past day and the events that occurred, attempting to figure out where her life would go from here. She knew no matter how much she thought on the subject it would not change the path set before her yet a blind path made for tense travels. Sighing deeply as her hands rested in her lap, gently fiddling with the lace of her corset she hoped for the best but prepared herself for the worst. There was nothing more she could do right then.