Collab with:[@Fat Boy Kyle],[@MacabreFox],[@Denalz] and me ---------------------- “No need to thank me, it’s only natural to help an ally in need.” The assassin replied with a smile. Sarah sputtered a bit as she tried to chuckle, "Next time, I think I'll help myself to your soap instead." "I suppose that's it for our bath tonight. With this lack of light, it’s too dangerous for us to enter the river again." Karen said, looking at the still coughing Sarah. The sun had already sank behind the great trees and the river and it’s shore were only lit by the small campfire the assassin set in advance. She threw in a few additional small branches into it. It wouldn't be long before their dripping hair began to freeze. The olive skinned woman reached out and took the soap back from Gwen then took her sponge and quickly put them back into the small leather bag she took them out from. After Karen took her soap back, Gwenyfar watched over Sarah in a motherly fashion, not wanting to touch her and invade her privacy, but she couldn't help but to have a tender and worrisome look about her. The night’s chill had already sank into her body, so she quickly brought the clothes of Sarah closer to the fire to warm them and put her fur cape on Sarah. "Here, use this to warm and cover yourself from the wind while you clothes warm up.” The healer turned toward her and smiled as she took the cape, but she could not meet Karen's eyes. It smelled faintly of ash and pine. As she caught her breath near the glow of the fire, Sarah kept her gaze on the flames. This is what humility felt like. Perhaps the Lord of Light was rebuking her for the sense of moral superiority she felt over the assassin. Perhaps this was an ill omen. Had she not made the right choice in coming here? The assassin began to quickly dress up. First from the undergarments then the shirt and etc… Then sat next to the fire and began to dry her hair.” You too, you’d better remove that wet piece of cloth you are wearing.” The assassin said and pointed at Gwen’s undergarment’s which she didn’t remove before entering the water. The assassin smiled friendly. Gwenyfar’s face grew red as she quickly turned and headed for her clothes. Disappearing into the shadows of the dusk turning to night, Gwen quickly stripped off her bottom article of clothing and redressed hurriedly. She did not bother to replace her leather jerkin or corset, but only went about in her blouse, boots and trousers. Sliding on her sword sheath and belt, Gwenyfar returned to the firelight of the small camp Karen had made, all of her belongings in tow. Nearby, something seemed to have caught Karen’s attention. The assassin felt as if something was observing them and she quickly took a small pebble and threw it full strength at the direction of which she felt a presence. She threw it about a wolf’s hight into the bushes, but the only sound the pebble made was that of hitting the tree behind them.” Was I imagining things? I thought I felt something there…” She muttered… she didn’t exactly feel any bloodthirst or danger from it… It was more like she felt something moving slowly there, but the rock she threw hit nothing. “Sarah, do you feel better now?” Karen asked. The petite woman nodded in response and began to put on her white shift and moccasins. Karen then turned to Gwen.” Keep your weapon close, I have the feeling something is out there.” nodding towards the dark forests. Sighing in annoyance, Gwenyfar quietly muttered to herself, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was a man from our company that happened to see us sneak away, and followed us out here to have a little peak." Sarah grimaced in disgust at the suggestion. In general, Gwenyfar felt that most men were simple pigs, unable to control the shit they spewed from their so called mouth. That didn't stop her hand from resting readily upon her pommel, then again, it could be some feral animal stalking them as well. Chester layed dead still, his body trained to resist the urge the shiver in the cold. His breath was calm, long drawn and silent, and was aimed down so that the condensation could not be seen. He watched closesly as the women bathed and dressed, and although his only intention was to determine whether or not they were plotting, he could not help but feel his temperature rise in certain places as the moonlight danced of the assassin's skin. [i]"Uh oh."[/i] he thought internally when Karen suddenly looked in his direction. There was little he could do without revealing his presence, and he hoped that she would simply turn away again. When she picked up a stone instead he felt his pulse begin to pick up, but still he remained still and quiet as stone. He did not see the rock as it flew through the dark, but heard it as it wizzed overhead and struck the tree beside him. [i]"She's got better senses than the camp watch at least."[/i] he mused. "If it's a man from the group following us, then he is lucky because I didn't hit him with that throw." Was Karen's reply to Gwen's statement." Frankly I'm not in the mood to hunt him down if he is still hiding in the bushes over there!" Karen said quite out loud." There is no really need for it, he already most likely saw everything there is to see. Beating the hell out of him won't change that fact..." The olive skinned woman said to the others with a smile. Sarah shivered at the thought of random men watching them from afar. She took comfort in the fact that the other two women likely provided a more appealing spectacle. "I wonder, should we mention this to Lady Buxton? I'm pretty sure she can get to the bottom of who was that followed us, pretty fast." The assassin said with a grin." Shall we find the culprit and use this as a excuse to boss him around as a payment for all the enjoyment he most likely got from watching us bath?" Gwenyfar chuckled loudly, "And what would you expect her to do, lock the culprit up in the stocks? No, I don't think she could do much about it." She wrapped her arms tightly about her chest, trying to retain as much warmth as possible. The healer was not keen on this suggestion. It was dark and already wolves could be heard howling in the distance. She cleared her throat which was hoarse from couging, "I assured Sir Chester that we would return before the sun set. We are late... thanks to me." She added the last part quickly, willing to take responsibility for the delay. This whole trip had been her arrangement afterall. Shivering as she wrung her hair out, removing any excess water left in her mahogany tresses, Gwenyfar responded to Sarah, noting the way she uttered her words. "I wouldn't be so heavy on yourself, Sarah, as long as we're not eaten alive, I'm sure they wouldn't mind us maintaining our hygeine." "You need not worry about Sir Chester, if he decides to bring our bath as a problem, I will deal with him." The Assassin said with a giggle." Considering he allowed someone to sneak outside the camp aside us who have permission, he doesn't have any right to be upset if we are a little bit late." Gwenyfar turned to Karen and arched an eyebrow as she asked her, "Are we to just let the fire die out, or shall we at least stay and see that it burns out? Of course, we can just throw water on it, but we do not have a bucket or other means to carry the water. Her muscles were too tense for her to relax for the moment, as the water had been painfully cold. The olive-skinned woman smiled at Gewn's question.She looked at Sarah, no matter how they dealed with the fire, they needed to wait for the blond woman to recover a bit. Drowning in cold water wasn't a small thing. Karen wanted her to warm up and to feel ready to leave before doing anything." We are at the riverbed. There is more than enough sand and pebbles which we will use to extinguish the fire." "This may be our last real bath in a good while, it wasn't as enjoyable it could have been, but it will have to do no?" Karen said with joking voice, trying to lift the mood a little. She too felt the chill that was sinking in her body more and more as the time passed and the campfire slowly was dying out. She gave her cape to Sarah, so it was natural to feel a little bit cold, but she didn't regret it, the healer needed it right now. Realizing that the other women were waiting on her, Sarah quickly resigned herself to the icy chill which hung around her. She climbed to her feet and with a smile, handed the thick cloak back to the assassin, "Thank you". Donning her own cloak she began kicking sand over the fire pit, "Come now, Sir Chester's orders aside, this cold is going to set into our bones before long. I don't know about the two of you, but I cannot sleep when that happens." "Alright then, lead the way." The assassin replied with a smile as she was putting the last of her knives in their hiding places. Once she was ready with that a few moments later, she moved after the other women. Sir Chester waited until none of the ladies were looking in his direction before slowly shuffling back into the thick woodlands, careful not to make any sudden movements that could catch their eyes. He was content at this point that they were indeed taking an innocent bath and did not feel the need to linger any longer (especially given the risk). When he had withdrawn to a point where he could definately not see them he got to his feet and lightly began dashing back to camp in the shadows of the tall and ancient trees.