Lieutenant Ritsu took a sip of her caffeine solution and changed the hologram back to Mist, the lethal entity that was the focus of the questions coming from the pilots. Her eyes bored into the spherical form, and followed the squiggly color lines that traced across its surface. She answered with a nod when Mai spoke up. [quote=@DarkRecon] "Ma'am. I do have a few. What is the current casuality count with this new unit? Has it ONLY attacked military targets or has it already caused civilian casualties? This new weapon seems like it could easily..."fly" into any resident zone and just vaporize everyone before anyone could react...basically, what "Recon" or Intelligence data so far has been gathered on this new unit? And is there more than one? Plus, you said it's prone to "friendly fire". Are the current Cruxi forces..."aggressive" to the point where they'd sacrifice whole groups just to lure one or two frameworks into the MIST's attack radius?" [/quote] Ritsu answered with a tense tone, sometimes checking her device. [color=0054a6]"Only one Framewerk pilot out of Squad Beta survived the encounter; the other seven were KIA. Mist also caused civilian casualties in its immediate radius. Considering the aliens' bizarre attitude towards colonies, it may be the reason we haven't seen more of these things. They may be more willing to destroy them now that we have shown some resistance."[/color] Ritsu took another sip. [color=0054a6]"The intelligence we have is based on the report the survivor of Squad Beta, Cadet Koski, filed in. We could have gotten a more thorough foundation to work with if the information specialist for Beta survived, but we'll just have to work with what we got. For all we know the Cruxi may have mass-produced them and plan to fill the planet's surface with the abominations, so prepare for immediate abortion of the mission just in case. Let's see..."[/color] Ritsu took a look at her device. [color=0054a6]"The other Cruxi actively avoided the unit and kept their distance, but they also worked in tandem with it; they flanked our units and forced them into Mist's range. It's like the damn things can read each other's thoughts. Anyway, next question."[/color] [quote=@redbaron1234] Krista raised her hand. [color=Tomato] "Do we have any idea what the 'fire rate' of this wave is and if we can see the wave being emitted? Additionally, what types of weaponry can hit it? It looks like a ball of gas..." [/color] [/quote] Ritsu had one of her hands rest on her thigh. [color=0054a6]"Squad Beta was reported to have attacked Mist at irregular timing at various ranges, and it responded every time with immediate activation. The only visible effect the wave causes seem to be shimmering in the air, so keep an eye out for that. Kinetic weaponry is confirmed to be ineffective against Mist, which isn't that strange considering their love for energy shields. Energy weapons on the other hand punched holes into it, but by that point most of Beta was wiped out and they failed to completely eliminate it."[/color] [quote=@Penultimate_Pi] Lora's hand went up. Allowing Krista to take her question regarding the weapon's weaknesses, Lora added upon her first question, [color=lightblue]"Yes, could you go into detail about Mist's firing systems? In what situations does it fire? Is there any sort of warning to when it fires? How exactly is this radiation wave used?"[/color] [/quote] The Liutenant quickly wrote something on her device before she answered. [color=0054a6]"Mist seems to operate mostly on reaction; it didn't activate unprovoked when engaging Squad Beta. However, don't assume it can't open fire on it's own. Take it down as fast as you can and we'll never have to find out. As for it's weapon, what I've briefed is all that is currently confirmed. Once again, as a reminder, exercise extreme caution when engaging the enemy. Any independent action against Mist is strictly forbidden."[/color] She waited for a moment to check that there were no more questions, and then spoke again with more emotion to her words: [color=0054a6]"To sum it up; Keep your distance, and don't let the Cruxi corral you like cattle. Get your marksmen firing, and keep the aliens off their backs. You're the very best humanity has to offer! You're not going to let an extraterrestrial fart get the better of you!"[/color] Ritsu then cleared her throat, and threw her gaze at Krista and Lora. [color=0054a6]"So, have the squad leaders come to a decision on the composition of the units?"[/color]