[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/89ce6be8a67193e74490c3fcbec0e353/tumblr_inline_mgfisyranG1ruh9kl.gif[/img] [h1][color=limegreen]Tinker Bell ~ Pixie Hollow ~ Present Day[/color][/h1][/center] Tinker Bell was fiddling with the pouch that she often wore at her side that was normally filled with Pixie Dust. She had just about run out and was going to get a refill, but her bag refused to detached from the belt she wore around her hips with all over her tools. She decided as she walked into the tree that that was something she needed to fix. Maybe she'd find a lost thing on her way back to her kettle. Absorbed in her thoughts, the young fairy didn't notice that she wasn't alone in the room and nearly ran straight into the Blue Fairy who seemed to be inspecting the dust that was following into a large pool. Tink stopped herself just in time, changing her direction just enough to slip around the woman as she finally detached the bag, "Hiya Blue," She held her bag under the stream before looking back at the woman and noticed the look on her face. Straightening slightly, she looked at her, "Is everything alright, Blue?" She asked with a twinge of her worry in her voice. The older fairy looked at the girl and sighed, "No Tinker Bell... Terrance thinks we might be missed some of our blue dust again and... I fear Zarina has been sneaking in again." Tinker Bell's eye brows knitted together as she shook her head, "We haven't heard or seen anything from Zarina in nearly... fifty years." Blue shook her head, "It would not be the first time that she returned after us not seeing her for a great length of time... And we weren't even aware of it until there was a flying pirate ship," She looked at Tink for a moment before she took a deep breath, "I have another job for you, Tinker Bell... I need you to go find Zarina and ensure that she hasn't gotten her hands on any of our Pixie dust... Who knows what she'll do with it this time." Tink bit her lip and looked around the room, "Well... Did Terrance double... triple check that there was something missing? I mean I don't even know where to start looking for her.. and..." "The Bayou... I don't know exactly where but I know for a fact that she is indeed there..." She stepped toward the panicking girl, "I know that it has been a while since you last saw her and I know that it doesn't bring up the fondest of memories but... I need you to do this for me, Tinker Bell." With a large sigh, Tinker Bell seemed to deflate a little before she nodded her head, "Alright, I'll go... But I'll need another bag of dust for a journey that long..." She said quietly, clearly not to impressed with the outcome. Blue smiled and handed the girl another bag which she held in her hand before walking out, "Thank you, Tinker Bell," The Blue Fairy called after her. With a wave behind her, Tinker Bell flew into the air, heading back to her kettle to prepare for her long journey. At this point... Seeing Zarina was the second last thing she wanted to do. The last thing was to accuse the girl of the same crime that Tink had gotten her banished for years ago. Finding a small piece of wire, Tinker Bell wrapped it around her belt and tied her two bags of duck to it. She looked around her small place a little, deciding what it was that she would need. Grabbing her leaf coat and hat, she pulled them both on, putting her short hair up in her classic bun. She walked back out of her kettle and took a deep breath, the trip to the Bayou was a long one... But at least it gave her time to work up the courage to face Zarina. With another deep breath, Tinker Bell took off into the air and left Pixie Hollow behind her as she began her flight to the mainland.