Hugh took the pipe from her hand, slightly amused by her lack of experience with tobacco. It wasn't anything to be troubled by; not everyone enjoyed the leaf as much as Hugh. It always had a calming effect on him, especially when his mind was anything but at peace. "You're welcome." He said, placing the pipe back in his mouth and puffing away. The next thing was to listen to what she had to say. Not something he was usually intent on was listening to someone far younger than him, but the practice was never harmful. Of course, he kept phasing in and out of listening to her, catching the first part about what Sana had told him yesterday; something which, because of her demeanor at the time, he had subconsciously dismissed the idea of comfort. It hadn't come into his mind, as she had ended how she spoke of the die by laughing, then quickly plopped the question of how his day had been. Normally when people expected condolences or something they don't tend to end their sentence with laughing or completely throwing one off by putting a question in. Hugh had been put in the unfortunate circumstance of both of those at the same time. There was that; he'd messed up. No mercy. Time to pay penance. Hugh would be more than obliged to speak with Sana as soon as possible, though she seemed to have prior engagements pertaining to scouting and a conversation with Tobias the thief, which he hadn't a clue as to the subject. The old fighter happened to tune back into the conversation just in time to hear her say [i]"I'm just pretty sure that acting like everything's alright isn't going to [i]make[/i] everything alright."[/i] He gave her a confused look, not sure how to respond after that last nugget of wisdom. He ended up dropping it and allowing his features to return to normal. "Yes, I was planning on talking to her. It just seems like she's making herself distant on purpose. Makes it harder to start the conversation." He simply said. "But I will." After he had finished his words, more words followed, but from another source other than Fiona the fighter. It was Tobias the thief, bestowing his nuggets of wisdom upon Hugh. They were greeted with Hugh's usual politeness, with the added awkward smile and a nod along to his words. His smile became more sincere and entertained, after Tobias's last words. It was the closest to laughing at something someone said to him for the longest time, and by far brightened his mood. "I'll be alright, but thanks for the offer." He said, with his cheerful smile stretched across his face.