"Well, the lack of a body means that the body is either being consumed or well hidden. Just going off of monsters that consume that's a long list. Ghouls, Rugaru, shifters, and Crocotta are the first ones that come to mind." Dean sighed. "I don't know, maybe I'll look and see if I can speak with this Karen Winter, she was friends with the last vic. She has been very adamant with the cops that they keep looking for her friend. Maybe she knows something that she hasn't told the cops." "That's a good idea." Karen grinned and then glanced at the bed sheets with a frown. "I don't want to know. I think I'll sleep on top of them." She sat down on the bed facing Lucille. "I'll wait to do the distraction in like half an hour." She habitually looked at the clock. "Right now I need to shoot something, get into the zone of putting on a show." She pulled out her handheld video game device. ~~ "I think the men are. That car brings something to mind, but I thought that they were dead." She thought back to the strange killing spree a pair of humans had gone on recently. In a car just like that one, maybe she was wrong. "The girls though." She grinned and let her tongue caress her lips. "They look delicious." Her instincts agreed that something was odd about them. The dark haired woman who had checked them in seemed upset and determined, but she had smelt a hint of fear in her. "The dark haired one is scared of something." She mentioned to her "husband".