[b][center]And The Group Finds Each Other Once Again[/center][/b] [center][youtube]youtu.be/35EfY2yBiv8[/youtube][/center] The minutes ticked by every so slowly as Sana sat perched in the tree, one leg pulled her to chest with arms wrapped around it. Sanas head resting upon her knee as she kept ever vigilant to the road to the south; waiting, ever waiting for them to come into view. Her other leg swung to and fro with the wind, the clouds blocking out the sun as the darkness of the squall grew. The rain began a gentle rapping against the leaves; tap tap tap could heard percussionning against the tender canopy above. The pitter patter of droplets falling to the ground below, the light cream color of the road quickly turning to a rich mahogany hue as the rain saturated the grains of dirt. Sana tilted her head back as she pulled the hood of her mantle away, letting the water drip to features. The storm seemed to be emulating the maelstrom within her and her mind drifted to a tune from so long ago as the sounds of the rain were carried to her ears. Reaching up her hand wiped away the moisture that clung to her exposed skin as a sigh whispered from her lips, cringing as her hand ran over her burns; a pain she would have to learn to live with. So, this was what it meant to embrace a part of you that had been locked away she thought to herself. Everything triggered a memory, a song and caused an unyielding need to release it. Rolling her eyes in frustration she pulled her covering back up into place and let her hands clap against the limb she sat upon, echoing the natural sounds already surrounding her. A gentle hum resonated from her throat as she watched the rain fall, her head bobbing in time with the beat of the storm as it fully arrived to the area. Dusty lips parted as the words began to flow from memory into the present, a beautiful tune flowing from her into the winds. “When tomorrow comes, will I be on my own? Feeling frightened of things that I don’t know when tomorrow comes?” she sung hollowly, the last two words echoing through the forest around her. Her head tilting back to look up as the storm began to rage on, sheets of rain falling to the earth below from the heavens above; vision being cut to nothing but a few feet in front of her eyes. “And though the road is long I look up to the sky and in the dark I found lost hope that I won’t fly and I sing along,” she sung, the words continuing to echo in harmony with her own voice as the note bounced off rock, stone and brush. A gentle light started to emit from her form, a soft slate hue began to whip around her in the wind, catching her notes and carrying them like a beacon to cut through the darkness and the murky dusk. “I got all I need when I got you and I, I look around me and see a sweet life. I’m stuck in the dark but you’re my flash of light. You’re getting me though the night. Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes. I can’t lie, it’s a sweet life. Stuck in the dark but you’re my flash of light. You’re getting me though the night, ‘cause you’re my flash of light,” she continued, her tune breaking through the claps of thunder and rolling with the thunder; the beam of light from her flowing and tearing into the clouds above, a pillar of light that could be seen from far away to guide the rest of her group. Light and song calling out to them to bring them safely down the trail as the crash from the crying skies bellowed about. “I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top. Be not afraid when the rain won’t stop ‘cause I’ll light the way,” she sung as she grasped the softened bark of the tree, pulling herself to her feet and standing tall there on the branch that swayed with the storm; the wind and light thrashing her cloak around her, it billowing up in the fuming gust. Sana did not fight again the song and just let it flow through, each note becoming easier to control as she accepted her newly unlocked ability. “I got all I need when I got you and I, I look around me and see a sweet life. You’re stuck in the dark but I’m your flash of light. I’m getting you through the night. Kick start your heart when I shine it in your eyes. Can’t lie, it’s a sweet life. Stuck in the dark but I’m your flash of light getting you through the night,” she caroled again and again, letting the verse repeat like the echoing thunder. Each time the last verse repeated it grew in intensity and power as it broke through the storm. As the group came into the view from behind the curtain of the storm a content look fell over her features, it had worked and that was one thing she could be happy about. Stepping forward she jumped off the branch that had been her home for a short time; her boots landing with a soft splash into the puddle below her. “Don’t be afraid when the rain won’t stop cause I’ll light the way, a flash of light getting you through the dark of the night,” she sung as she stepped out from the tree and along the side of the road next to the path that would lead to the camp. Pulling the hood of her mantle back she stepped into full view of the group as they drew near, a gentle smile playing on her lips as the light still poured from her. Though the light was bright enough to break through the storm and the rain it was nothing more than a gentle and comforting glow to behold. “This way, we found shelter,” she spoke in a kind voice that still carried on the winds, the light fading from her form and the beacon fading away; her cloak slowly falling from the winds it had been caught up in and wrapping back around her. The rain clung to her soaked hair and cloak, rolling down her form and dripping from the edges of her clothing to the ground below as she motioned towards the path. Stepping to the side of the path she motioned in the direction they needed to go. “Be careful, the path gets narrow in parts,” she said looking at the group and waiting for them to continue on. Looking towards Hugh, she felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. She knew the needed to speak but she dreaded the conversation. Not about finally being able to speak, to hopefully come to an understanding and perhaps seeing what ever it was she was missing but that her fears may be truly founded. Either way she needed answers and she thought he might as well. Whatever the outcome it needed to happen. Taking a breath she looked up at him on Rodger and gave him a small nervous smile, but it was a true smile this time and it was not forced. [hider=What Happened?] Sana is in pain It started raining, a lot, down pour, can't see crap outside a few feet in front of you now Sana sings, causing a pillar of light to go up from where she is to the sky above - you can see thus through the rain and you can hear the song over the sound of the storm Everyone gets soaked, yay! Song and light lead you down the road to where Sana is She stops singing, light stops Points to path you need to follow to get to the shelter Will find Derrix at end of the path in the cave opening, I hope Sana is waiting to move until group Makes their way off the road and towards the shelter Sana is trying to smile at Hugh So yeah, crap happened. [/hider]