[h3]Darius [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2798916]→[/url][/h3] [@Laue] [b]"I'm [i]way[/i] ahead of you."[/b] Darius emphatically replied, foot already out the door to the shrine. [b]"Grant and I already found a village somewhere deep in the woods."[/b] He [i]really[/i] didn't want to lead John around the forest, especially with that hovering aura of menace and distrust. But alas, John had yet to wrong the boy, and until that happened, Darius had no grounds to cast out the imprudent pharmacologist. Grant, on the other hand, could be trusted; however, for whatever reason, the lawyer was nowhere to be found in their surroundings. After the malfunctioning drone had taken the duo out, so to speak, the younger man saw nothing of Grant. In his absence, Darius had no other choice but to deal with John in the meantime. On a practical level John at least had some proficiency with science unlike Grant, who only knew U.S. law, which was hardly useful in their current predicament. It was settled that John and Darius would set for the village of the wood elves in the forest, and Darius began the walk in that direction once he left the shrine. If John were truly with Darius, then John would follow. Otherwise, it was the boy alone. The teenager had a few things on his agenda that he'd seek before moving onto larger steps of action. He wanted to: a. secure a journal somehow, in which he could record events and thoughts as well as make plans and take notes, b. develop a better understanding of the world they were in, c. ally himself with some sort of society or group in that world, and d. move onto growing both as a person and as a god without losing himself to a destructive or immoral nature. Darius couldn't care less about whatever power struggle was afoot. His main focus was self-preservation and uprightness. Otherwise, there would be no telling of what sort of monster Darius could turn into. His biggest enemy would be fear, and the realm would turn into a battleground between good and evil.