Vaeri hopped off the wagon as Tobias approached the entrance of the cave, preferring to walk in herself. She looked in, taking it a lungful of the pleasant smoke. The contrast of the warmth of the cave and the rain outside only furthered to make this place feel far more welcoming than the storm outside. The first thing Vaeri did was wring out all the water in her long hair, splattering all over the floor. She then found a nice spot of cave by the fire and looked in her bag to find that all her other changes of clothes soaked as well. Of course. Vaeri removed her cloak and laid it out on the cave floor. Then she set about removing her armor and giving them their own spot to dry. Last, with some hesitance, she removed her shirt and laid it out closer to the fire than the rest of her gear. Vaeri's beasts were not large, only being slight protrusions from her chest that could be missed if you weren't paying attention. More notable was the characteristics of her body. Every part of it looked hard and rough, like an oak tree taken womanly form. With every move she made, a hint of muscle popped out somewhere not quite congruent of where it would be on a human. There were scars on her torso, but they were larger, and significantly fewer than anywhere else on her body, perhaps 5 in total. In irritable, wet, half-nakedness she sat by the fire, one arm draped across her chest, trying to dry off as quickly as possible.