Full Name: Marcus Avian Age: 17, almost 18 Gender: Male Rebirth: Not yet, but if so he will be a later one. Rank: Cadet, in training Call Sign: Specter Personality: I am quiet terrible at these so please bear with me. Ahem, Marcus is a decent student although there are subjects in which he struggles, most of them relating to medicinal work, historical subjects, and discipline never having really been one to blindly follow and obey. He is known for not having much of a filter, usually blunt and sometimes coming off as an ass to others although he does his best to convey his thoughts and speculations in a clear manner. Quick for a fight, Marcus tackles whatever challenges come before him although some (Like the classes mentioned earlier and larger Cadets) can get the better of him. Extremely self critical and coming from a rather strict family, he doesn't often let loose but when he does it's without limitations since he's usually out to make bad choices at such a time. Doesn't consider himself as one that has time for fools, and if he think's youre stupid he will let you know. His goal is to join the recon division in hopes of following after his older sibling. History: Grew up in a family with seven siblings, four brothers and three sisters. He is the third, his older brother being an R.A.S recon sniper and his sister having run away from home with some good for nothing, as his parents called him. His parents did not neglect him intentionally, having had their hands full with several children at the time and as a result of this was mostly raised by his elder brother Richard who is about six years older them him. He idolizes his brother and hopes to someday join him in the army, never really having put much thought to any other course then doing so. Skills: good hand-eye coordination, fast on his feet and in tense situations although sometimes he does act without thinking things all the way through. Due to years of practice at home he is a great shot, better with a rifle then a pistol though and works hard to understand the basic mechanical functions of vipers and other vehicles although he still ahs some work to put in there. Weaknesses: Impulsive and reckless, tends to run head long into things with the mind set that he'll work things out as he goes. Has trouble taking orders or commands he doesn't agree with and will argue back in situations like these. Doesn't really know his place. Romantic Relationship: None at the moment, although there was a girl his parents attempted to marry him off to to prevent his enlistment. Didn't really work out. Appearance: 5'10 at the moment, not the tallest of guys with short dark brown hair he pays little attention to save for when its to long. A bit thin, lean though with broad shoulders and a sharp jaw. A bit bird like in look, (hah, Avian, get it...) and as a rebellious act he's sort of regretting, has a sleeve tribal tattoo all down his left arm. A crooked grin and dark brown eyes, he's almost always smirking. If I find a picture I will put it up,