[i]As the players began to converse with the two boys, it began. They all knew soon enough what these two boys were doing here, and what their true objective was. How they knew? Simple. Link came rushing out the store, pushes Keisuke to the ground left of the door, then he yells, [color=Pink]"GET BACK HERE, YOU PRICK!"[/color] and begins running in the direction of a cloaked man. Keisuke, regaining his situation, notices a dagger on the wall. One that could paralyze him for longer than he would have liked. [/i] Noticing he won't catch up to the cloaked man, Link stopped right in front of the two boys on the ground, now cowering in fear. [color=Pink]"So,"[/color] Link began, [color=Pink]"explain how low level players like you get armor meant for people like the man I just pushed to the ground."[/color] The boys faces change from fear to out-right terror. [color=Pink]"I'm sure your buddy on the ground already knows he can't take the girl. That's the only explanation as to why he would stop after having the chance to check her gear when you pinned him to the ground. On top of that, you two don't look anywhere as battle-ridden as the two behind me. So, in conclusion, if you want to get out of here alive........... I suggest you start talking."[/color] [i]Whoa! A turn of events had begun. Rather than Karen being the intended target, the entire time they seemed to be after Keisuke, and they seemed to have another person involved in the hunt. The boys, looked at each other, then back at Link, who was gining them a 'don't even try it' look. So reluctantly, Level-Head Boy began, [color=Brown]"He was a Laughing Coffin member. He told us that if we helped him take out a big player like The Monster Fang, he would see to it that we got invited into the guild. I mean, It's been three years since this game has been out, and nobody has made it past floor 20. It's not like fighting them will get people anywhere."[/color] Link stares very intently at the boys, and Anger Boy pops in, [color=Maroon]"Hey, that's all we know! He only asked us to help him take Keisuke down and gave us this armor! Please! We're only barely level 2!"[/color] Mikael, even not seeing their faces as he was turned the other way, could tell that this was the truth coming from both boys. Keisuke, knowing that level 2's couldn't even acquire such armor, had no reason not to believe them. The only one kind of left in the dust was Karen. The boys weren't after her, and the cloaked man clearly threw the dagger at Keisuke. She had nothing to do with this situation, besides knowing the two boys from a previous run.[/i]