Suddenly, the headmaster seemed very serious, and he seemed to be confirming his blades were there. After a moment, he was charging out the door, stopping only to tell them to wait here. Now, under most circumstances, she would have obeyed that command without hesitation. Anything to make this guy so serious, well, it couldn't be good for them or their health. Sadly, of course, this man was her room-mate, which meant she had to help him, protect him and take care of him. That was her duty, and so with a nod of self-affirmation, she darted int her room and tied a green bandana around her head, the bandana of her mentor's mentor, a woman known to her only as The Boss. It was said this bandana brought great luck to whosoever wore it, so anytime she felt she would be in for a real fight or an important event, she'd wear it for that extra boost of luck. Not that she actually believed it did anything, it was just a piece of dyed cloth after all, but it at least made her feel better, feeling like her mentor's mentor watched over her. It response to Hitomi, Amy nodded but quickly realized the futility of such an action, saying "[color=0054a6]Yeah, let's go help him out. It's my calling to protect you guys, everyone I'm close to. Let's go![/color]" With that enthusiastic declaration, she drew her knives and opened the door to slink out. It was easy enough to track him based on his power level alone, while keeping her own firmly in check. She'd stealthily make her way along, taking point since Hitomi was blind. To help keep them in sync, she sheathed a knife and used that hand to hold one of Hitomi's own, so that the two could stop on a dime, with Amy whispering "[color=0054a6]If I squeeze your hand, it means stop, if I tug it it means go. We want to stay quiet for this, so we can't afford to communicate verbally anymore.[/color]" That done, Amy would stealthily sneak along behind, trying to keep Sin'chi within her sights without entering his own. She'd grown up amongst soldiers, so learning to move without being heard was thankfully part of the upbringing, and something she was pretty good at since she was so light.