W.I.P (Though I'm sure you noticed that Hex xD) [b]Name:[/b] Mar Den [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Combat Role: [/b] Sniper/Force Recon [b]Years in Mynock Squad:[/b] 6 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/2ef9/f/2011/095/4/5/sniper_soldier___stabat_mater_by_jamga-d3d9yut.jpg[/img][/hider] He stands at around 5'11 and weighs about 200 pounds. Eyes a chill blue, and hair a deep brown (that is often joked at it being due to a lack of washing facilities) when it is allowed to grow though often it is shaved off. His face can quite often appear burned, depending on where he's stationed, rugged and cracked with a serious look often plastered to his face. Underneath his chin there's a thin scar as if something once almost cut his head clean off. Whoever it was did succeed though in removing his right hand, which has been replaced by a synthetic hand which is encased in armour. Though it looks a bit stupid in the few times he is out of armour when in armour it looks identical to his other hand. On his left shoulder he has a tattoo of his clans crest, which also sits on the chest of his armour right beside a skull. Another piece of graffiti is that the armour casing for his right hand has a kill count on it for high value targets that he has taken out. [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [list] [*]Sharpshooter - Mar can boast impressive kill shots. Always hits his mark. [*]Force Recon - No matter the terrain he can scout ahead by himself, getting into the best position possible to relay information to the squad. [*]Melee Combat - He keeps a knife attached to just above his elbows, his middle, thighs and ankles in case he has to get close and personal. He also knows how to use them. [*]Survival Training - This goes without speaking, he can spend days if not weeks on his own in inhospitable conditions. He knows how to care for himself. [*]Air Capable - Naturally being Force Recon he has become quite practiced at using both Jump packs and speeder bikes. [*]Artist - Yeah, he can draw too. [/list] [b]Equipment[/b] [list] [*] 1x Blaster Sniper Rifle - He doesn't get attached to a rifle, and will just use whatever is available. [*] 2x Blaster Pistols - One on each hip, for if it's getting closer. [*] Knives - One at each joint, and then some hidden blades. For when it gets really close. [*] 1x Standard Issue Jump pack. [*] 2x Flash/Stun Grenades [*] 1x Notepad. [*] 1x Pencil [/list] [b] History:[/b] Mar Den is the youngest member of his family, and one of the many members of his clan acting as advanced scouts within the Mandlorian ranks. Even from a young age it was obvious what he would become, living in highland areas of Mandalore with vast forests his clan crew up being hunters. They wouldn't farm animals to butcher, for there was no challenge. Instead once a Den became old enough to carry a rifle he would be taught how to hunt. Like the rest of his family Mar took a shining to this, he would go out on the hunting trips with other members of his clan. Often the youngers and the elders together as those of fighting age were often taken to be trained in the military for whatever the Manda'lor had planned. On his thirteenth birthday it came time to go through Verd'goten, and he was ready. He was given a beast to track, a rifle and some basic rations. From there, it was up to him. Verd'goten would last as long as it took him to return, however he could not return without his prey. It took him three weeks, his clothes were tattered and his rifle only had enough charge for one shot. Though over his shoulder he carried the best, dumping it in the centre of town with a smile on his face. He had done it, he had become a hunter and he had become a man. There was much celebration that night, as now an adult he took his first drink (With many more to follow) in celebration. They danced, and they sang songs. Until the headache in the morning. Training before he was an adult had been tough. What he was about to be put through was something more. Though most Mandalorians didn't know it the Manda'lor had plans to expand, to let the Mandalorian people have the glorious battle they deserved the chieftens did and they had to get their people ready. As some of the best hunters on the planet the Den tribe had to get better. They could track prey across a planet, but could they track other living beings? The forest and nearby mountains became fake warzones. Mar would both be hunted, and th ehunter. Wearing the most basic armour provided to him. His face became rugged, cracked and bruised as he climbed through trees and waded through foliage. It wasn't until he had five "Confirmed" kills that they felt him ready to be trained in a jumppack. That was a new challenge entirely. It changed the playing field, he was used to fighting using variances in terrain but now he could reach places previously unreachable. At the cost of being noticed, the packs not being the most quiet of devices. His kill streak improved, then the war broke out. Being immediately assigned to Mynock squad it was a change of pace again. Yes he had targets, but he had time limits. He had to hunt, and then relay the information back. Having worked as a team before it had always been with his clan mates, people like him. Now he was put into an entirely new theatre of conflict. Six years on, and he hasn't changed. Except for the loss of a hand, and it's subsequent replacement. [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] [list] [*]Emotionally Distant - He's spent most of his life hunting, he doesn't speak unless he needs too and is used to having to work by himself. That doesn't mean he can't work as a team. [*]Hunter - Years hunting he has grown accustomed to it. He sees himself very much as a predator having little to no care to the targets he's after, they're just his prey. [*]Clan Man - Like most Mandalorians he is very faithful to his clan, will likely marry someone within his clan and spent most of his life with them. They are his main weakness [*]Honour Bound - He may be a hunter, but he is honour bound. If challenged to a hand to hand/melee fight he will likely accept. That said if it's a mission he won't risk everything on his honour. Even if it breaks him. [*]Caring - Don't expect him to ever show it. But he cares, if his comrades are in combat he will engage the targets who are the biggest threat to them first. That said like before he won't risk the mission on it but if he can it is what he'll do. [*]Artistic - Nobody really knows where it came from, but he's artistic. He'll quite often spend time drawing scenes while he waits, usually requests from other Mandalorians [b]Character Relations:[/b]