Alex smiled gleefully as the fox moved up to rub against her fingers, the softness of the little ones fur was amazing and even caused her to ignore the dwarfs little stab at her attitude and age, for a moment that is. [b]"Just because I retain my beauty doesn't mean you should be jealous, just because all dwarfs look middle aged before they even reach adulthood." [/b]She didn't mention anything about her attitude, mainly because he could have been right on that fact. Still she just went back to enjoying the company of the fox for the time being, making sure to stroke its ears as she enjoyed her wine. A short while later and Alex sensed a familiar presence, another of animal blood who she had noticed within the streets so she always suspected he was not dangerous, not like some of their more feral brethren. However it seemed Aurora did not share such feelings as panic set in! Extending her leg Alex caught the chair before it hit the ground, and that was all she intended until she peered up and heard a whispered 'no' come from the fox eared elves lips. Within but a moment Alex let go of the bottle of wine, having it reston her knee, and swiftly moved Aurora's hood back over her head, making sure to keep her hand there and pet the girl to try and calm her down. She had likely moved fast enough that anyone not paying attention missed it, but those at the counter with them were sure to notice. [b]"Shh, sit down young one."[/b] For a moment Alex sounded warm and rather noble in her speech as she tried to quit down the girl, her leg pulling the stool back up and her other free hand coming away from the fox to pick up and set the bottle of wine on the counter. [b]"Hes not going to harm you, he is only a puppy."[/b] She chuckled, back to her rough way of speaking, though it was clear she was avoiding the subject of her ears until she had calmed down. That did not stop her from turning to Rex with a blank expression [b]"Look at that, you scared the poor girl." [/b]