[center][h2][u][i]Coyotas, Pachid & Kawagana, Arina - The Immortal Child[/i][/u][/h2][/center] Amegakure… the one place that didn’t care whether Arina entered the village or not. Of all the hidden villages, Amegakure was the one village that seemed to give no fucks. It was refreshing, or it would have been if they weren’t being attacked. Her blue eyes slid to the man on her left – he didn’t seem to even notice the sharp weapon that lodged itself into his skin, to which she raised an eyebrow, yet continued on, occasionally blocking the stray kunai as it threatened to pierce her perfect skin. She shot a slight glare at the Shinobi as he asked her for supplies, why did he not have his own supplies? She huffed a sigh before looking over her shoulder at the third companion who looked straight back at her with a lethargic gaze – his hands clasped behind his head. The two stared at each other for a moment, expressions unchanging as the silence lingered between the trio; sharing silent words. And after a moment, the raven haired man sighed and dug into his weapon pouch and pulled out the items their comrade had asked for. He gave her a look of disapproval as he handed them to her and she passed them forward, glancing back at the lethargic Shinobi as she did so. “Don’t give me that look Pachid, you know I don’t carry those things on me,” she muttered and he raised an eyebrow at her before sighing slightly, “Perhaps you should start,” he murmured in rebuttal to which she looked shocked, “No!” she exclaimed abruptly, almost scaring the lazy nin… if he were energetic enough to actually be scared, “It would mean I’d have to carry extra things on my person and I just can’t find anything that looks good enough to go with my dress,” Pachid frowned at her statement – it was just like her to worry more about her appearance than her safety on a mission… it was also just like her to not care in the slightest for the strange behaviour patterns of their comrade, who might he add, they barely knew. He’d been watching the man intently for a while – and although he didn’t have Arina’s Kekkei Genkai… he surely acted like it. He would have openly voiced his curiosity, if he cared enough… but he guessed that was the thing about hanging around immortals for that long… After a while, You just seem to stop caring about mortality in general.