[center][img]http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_402,w_575/t_mp_quality/wolverine-vs-hulk-marvel-moments-we-will-never-see-jpeg-213200.jpg[/img][/center] Banner had been trying to work on the borehole, at least to the extent he could without any other equipment. He hoped that Loki wouldn’t take that long before the first check up. If he had access to water, some seeds. He could be self sufficient in no time at all! Then all he needed was some science equipment to try and- He heard a thud, turning around confused. Was that Loki returning? His teleports didn’t sound like that did they? That’s when he saw a figure stand to its full height. Easily almost as tall as he heard the Hulk was. This wasn’t good, then he heard a voice from above him, his heart was already racing. [i]Out of control. The beast is calling.[/i] The figure was rapidly falling towards him, some kind of claws going straight for him. The only thing he got out, last thing that Banner got to do was a “No, No, no, no, no!” Wolverine collided with Bruce Banner’s body only moments after the doctor had a chance to cry out his objections. Metal claws flashed in the sunlight as Logan tackled the rogue scientist to the ground, six foot long knife-like claws covered in Bruce’s blood. Wolverine stood to his full height of five feet and three inches over his fallen target. “That was...Easy.” He mumbled, turning away from Banner and walking towards Mastodon. “The runt’s down! Didn’t even put up ‘a fight.” “Quite disappointing, I must admit.” The elephant commented, stroking his trunk. Dust moved, stone cracked and before Wolverine had time to react a green fist shot out of the ground, followed shortly after by a second one. The Hulk climbed out of the whole, face on the back of Wolverine, and then his front when he inevitably turned around. He didn’t say a word just pulling himself out of the whole and then standing at his full height. Standing almost four feet taller than the mutant. [i]People never leave Hulk alone! He let loose a growl. Green man had given him and puny Banner home here, this was Hulks home. Yellow claw man have to leave.[/i] He let loose a bellow arms behind him before hitting the ground with both his fists cracking it slightly. Had they been in a city the tarmac and concrete would have cracked. As it was anything not tied down jumped up and dust was thrown into the air (Some into Wolverines face). Elsewhere in Australia a scientist perked up as a richter scale indicated some activity, looking perplexed. “Whoa!” Wolverine shouted as he feet left the ground, flying into the air. Dust sprung up as well, getting into Logan’s eyes as he slammed back onto the sand. “Urrghhh.” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes with the back of his gloves. What the hell just happened?! The Canadian midget wondered. “Bang bang bang bang!” Deadpool shouted as he whipped out a pair of pistols and unloaded on the green giant. Mastodon charged past the fallen Wolverine, tusks pointed forward as he kicked up even more dust behind him. “Watch it, fatty!” Wolverine moaned as he was blinded once more. “Have at thee, monster!” Mastodon shouted. Hulk roared as Mastodon ripped through the camp, ignoring the bullets entirely much to Deadpool’s displeasure he put out his hand as hard as he could straight into where Mastodons head was going to be. The impact caused Hulks arm to bend slightly, and he skidded in the dirt however the impact would have been far more worrying for Mastodon than it was for Hulk, and far more painful too. “Oohhhhh! Denied, sucka!” Deadpool shouted, wavering his pistols around. During the display, Deadpool accidentally pulled the trigger and shot himself in the foot. “OWOWOW! I’m hit! Man down!” Meanwhile, Mastodon was stumbling around after being struck straight in the face. “Hrrgghhh..I- I can’t..What?” He nonsensically said, wandering closer to the Hulk. Stumbling forward, his hand still to the hairy tusk mans forehead Hulk leant down a little bit, tusk man was tall. Tilting his head to the right underneath his arm Hulk let loose what could either be taken as a snarl or a grin, before grabbing the tusk man’s… tusk and spinning him around. Letting go randomly though hopefully in the direction of the noisy red one. He let loose another roar into the air. [i]They had destroyed the home the nice Green man gave him! This was Hulks home! They had ruined it! Would they leave now? Had they learned?[/i] “Oohhhhh my!” Mastodon exclaimed as the Hulk sent him flying. “Make way! Look out!” Deadpool, unaware of what was going on around him, was occupied with the hole in his foot. “Ow ow ow! This hurts! W- Wait a second. Where are my thought bubbles? WHY DON’T I HAVE THOUGHT BUBBLES?!” Mastodon slammed into the confused mutant, and the two were sent tumbling down a nearby hill and into a grove of thorn bushes. “Ow.” “Ugh. Idiot. Deathstrike, you go left! I’ll go right! Sabertooth, you take the middle!” X-23 ordered. The three members of Team X charged towards the Hulk. Lady Deathstrike and X-23 took to the flanks of the green beast as Sabertooth charged down the middle on all fours. The trio attacked the green goliath, while Wolverine pulled himself to his feet. “This is embarassin’.” He mumbled. Where were Maverick and Kestrel? He turned to face the one who shouted, three of them splitting up. One of them right at him on all fours, he took a step and began running back at him. Almost screaming the whole way, as the smelly one jumped Hulk came to a stop but continued into a spin fist first to meet Sabertooth. Though Hulk didn’t know it it was a good thing Sabertooth possessed a healing factor, though then again Hulk was losing the capacity to care. Hulk’s massive fist slammed into Sabertooth’s chest, sending Victor Creed flying. The airborne Sabertooth disappeared from sight and crashed in the wilderness a good ways away from the fight. X-23 and Lady Deathstrike took the opportunity to simultaneously attack the Hulk; X-23 stabbing at the giant’s face and Lady Deathstrike circling around to stab into the back of the Hulk’s neck. Wolverine turned towards the fight, his eyes now clear of dust. “Alright, big man. Round 2!” Logan shouted as he charged towards the Hulk, claws facing forward. The blades cut him, sharp nasty ladies cut Hulk! Searing blades across his face and neck. He reared up roaring as thick green blood oozed dropping onto the ground. The wounds did heal, but the pain was still there. He swatted his arms, one on front to hit the lady and before he had a chance to see if he hit his mark he went to grab the woman off his back to try and throw her away, though he had to grab her first. X-23 was sent flying by the unexpected blow from the beast. She landed a few yards away, her vision blurry. Lady Deathstrike was subsequently grabbed by the Hulk. She attempted to struggle, but the Hulk easily broke both her of mechanical arms with a simple squeeze of his fist before throwing her away like an American football. Then there were two. Wolverine took a gulp of air into his lungs. He had to admit, he was kinda nervous. The Hulk had taken down the rest of his team in no time flat. But Logan wouldn’t let his fears control him. Wolverine let loose a savage roar of his own as he charged at Hulk and attempted to slice the monster’s eyes out of their sockets. [i]Strange people not leave Hulk alone?! Why would they not leave Hulk alone? What did they want?![/i] Hulk snarled as Yellow Claws started charging at him again. He thumped his hands on the ground, one and then the other before stepping forward right hand open in an attempt to grab him as Yellow Claws went for the attack. Wolverine noticed that Hulk was going for the ground and pound again, and in and effort to prevent the beast from incapacitating him again jumped into the air and kept his eyes closed. Dust flew upwards as Hulk caused another minor earthquake. Logan appeared from the cloud, his eyes still closed, and managed to dodge past the Hulk’s attempt at grabbing him. Wolverine followed up the maneuver by leaping over the green giant and slashing at his face once more before landing on the ground behind him. Hulk roared as the blades pierced his skin. Turning around to face Yellow Claws. Picking up dirt, and some rather thorny bushes in his right hand he dragged the debris and threw it in Yellow Claws direction, following it with his left fist. [i]Yellow Claws should leave Hulk alone! Hulk… hate… YELLOW CLAWS[/i] He roared as he was following through with the punch putting all of his strength into it. The thunder of his footsteps and shaking of the ground seemed greater that it previously had! Almost as if the Hulk was somehow getting stronger. Wolverine quickly side stepped the incoming projectiles thrown by the Hulk, moving forward to attack him once more. Logan barely noticed the follow-up punch in time to bob out of the way; he managed to avoid a direct hit, but Hulk landed a glancing blow on Wolverine which caused his inner ear to go haywire. Logan lost all sense of balance and direction, nearly collapsing as he forced his eyes opened in an effort to keep the Hulk in his sights. He wouldn’t go down that easily. While that was happening, a nearby Deadpool managed to crawl up the side of the hill covered in thorns. “That..Was really uncalled for!” He yelled. Deadpool drew a sword and a single pistol, cracking his neck. “Yippee-kay-yay!” The mutant assassin called, firing at the Hulk with his tiny gun as he approached the colossus from behind. Meanwhile Kestrel and Maverick appeared over a nearby sand dune, carrying with them a number of syringes filled with a strange yellow liquid. John Wraith teleported to X-23’s side, who was still struggling to stay conscious. “It’s alright little missy.” The man helped Laura to her feet. “We’ve gotta take this guy down, Logan! Romulus says that there’s a SHIELD helicarrier approaching! T-minus five minutes!” Maverick shouted, firing energy blasts from his fingertips at Hulk. The blasts were meant to keep the Hulk from healing his wounds effectively; hopefully they were powerful enough to work on this monster. The shots hit, all of them at the same time. Hulk fell to a knee, more so from the energy blasts than from anything else. He screamed as he was forced down onto his knees. [i]They wouldn’t… leave… Hulk…[/i] He was forced down, his body betraying him as he curled knees on the ground and back in the air. Screaming the whole time. “We-We’re winning?” Kestrel asked as the beast cried out in what seemed to be pure agony as Maverick laid on the firepower. Deadpool and Wolverine approached Hulk, stabbing at the fallen Hulk with their claws and sword in an attempt to put the big guy down. “John!” Maverick called. “Sedatives!” Kestrel nodded, pulling a pair of syringes from his belt and teleporting next to the Hulk. He jammed the needles into the green goliath’s back, pumping the liquid into Banner’s bloodstream. As Deadpool stuck his sword in a mighty swing of defiance, he was appalled when the blade struck the behemoths skin, and bent. He watched as those with Adamantium claws managed to pierce the skin and if they could see under his mask, he looked heart broken. “Oh come on guys, that’s totally not fair. In fact, that’s cheating.” That’s when the plan went to pot. Muscles all over Hulks body began to bulge as the goliath stood up screaming, arms in the air in an act of defiance. He turned to face Yellow Claws. This wasn’t just a passing glass he looked at him right in the eyes. “Hulk.” His arms raised high in the air, everyone probably already knew what was coming next. “SMASH!” He brought down his arms with more force than he had previously been able to muster, creating a tremor that could be felt for miles and a substantial dust cloud and shockwave pushing back the team of Weapon-X. Though despite this surge of strength, that was all Hulk had in him. His own increase in strength worked against him, due to his healing factor being decreased meaning that his system couldn’t fight the sedatives and his heart rate increasing spreading the sedative faster once he had hit the ground he fell to the ground flat on his face. His bones grinding and cracking, as his skin tone began to change and his entire body began to revert to it’s regular size. The few mutants still on their feet were knocked away from the Hulk by the shockwave. Nearly an entire minute went by as the team waited to see if the Hulk still stood. X-23 let out a sigh of release when the dust cleared and it was revealed to them that Hulk had reverted back to his human form. Wolverine’s claws sunk back into his forearms. The fight was over, it seemed. “We gotta move. SHIELD will be on top of us any minute now. I parked the plane nearby, in the desert. We should be able to get there in time if we move now.” John told the others as they all got to their feet and dusted themselves off. Deadpool ran off with his bent sword to find Mastodon, as X-23 went off to find Lady Deathstrike. “What about Victor?” Maverick asked. “Leave ‘im. We can come back later for Sabertooth.” Wolverine growled, picking up Banner’s unconscious and half naked body. “Let’s move, people!” Kestrel shouted, teleporting out of sight. The rest of Team X started northward, following Maverick to the Boeing C-17 they had flown to Australia in. “Oi, elephant man.” Deadpool called as he slid down the hill, carefully avoiding the thorn bushes. Mastodon groaned in pain. “This was an unpleasant experience, my friend.” Mastodon pulled his massive body out of the thorn bushes and followed Deadpool back up the hill. “He bent my favorite sword.” Deadpool complained. “Her name was Alisha.”