[quote=@Arcanaut] Alright, I was finally able to find some character art that was similar not only in tone to the setting but also was similar in style to Viktor Anotov's work. Well we're already at about 9 people with the sisters, giving us a solid rotation of characters. I think with any more people it could cause stagnation with waiting for others to post- any new characters can be made up on the fly by us as needed so that we can still do things instead of the usual placid nature of roleplay forums and allow for some actual action to happen beyond faceless mooks that I'm sure will end up being shot, stabbed, poisoned and mauled as this goes on. Besides I think it would be best if an initial post gets out there so that people's interest won't die and we can see how you plan on approaching Dunwall without just tracing the steps of the game. [/quote] Yeah, I just counted everyone up and realised that factor. I'm just heading down to the store, it takes me like 20 minutes, and then I'll get the first IC post up. Prepare yourselves, everyone!