Alexander grinned as he stared at the wolf-man that'd been explaining the rules. Ultimately he could feel an odd surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. [i]Fear, perhaps?[/i] He looked around at the scenery as the others listened to whatever else the wolf had been saying. A forest was to one direction with an ominous dirt path leading into its clutches, whereas thick, tall grasses were what currently were brushing against his knees. His attention was drawn back to the wolf as a weight began to press against his palm, peeling open his previously closed fist as a rinky-dink knife began to materialize in his hand. A smile was plastered across his face. "Technology sure has come a long way, huh?" His attention was drawn to Simon as he began to criticize the game for its seemingly uneven playing field. [i]Has the man seen the graphics though? Damn son, this is top tier,[/i] he thought to himself before turning to the dirt path. "Well, I was always one to walk off the beaten path, but that never really worked out for me in games," he mumbled to himself, quietly voicing his own thoughts. But before he could come to a conclusion, it'd appeared that the decision had already been made for him as the hostess Sydney and Esmay began walking towards the forest. He raised his arms, stretching out his back as he began to follow. However, before they could reach the forest a black shape darted past Sydney's head, and almost immediately she stepped back, [color=lightcoral]"Did anyone else see that?!"[/color] "Yeah! Totally wicked, right? How much did this game cost again?" He began jumping up and down, getting as excited as a schoolgirl in a candy shop as seemingly ethereal shadow beings began to emerge from the trunks nearest to them. "Whoever made this game, do they accept donations? The scene was just set and I'm already pumped!"