[quote=@Impaqt] [@GreivousKhan] [color=7bcdc8]If your foot is positioned to turn the opposite way, [His left foot leading and right foot braced, ready to shift position; not forward but in the exact opposite direction.] Braced, but not in a way that would really position you to stop on a dime like that. Cause even if you were to do a complete turn, your foot positioning wouldn't allow you to both stop instantly, and turn simultaneously. Plus, bringing your sword in like that? While going for a lower left to upper right strike? I call shenanigans. Then there was one other thing, but that's a mistake I planned on you making. So what am I missing?[/color] [/quote] He wasn't going that fast to begin with, not sure what turn your referring to, I never turned during that maneuver. Anyway, where my sword was positioned (also I noticed I said left to right, when it should say right to left since it's blade palm up.) allowed for a pretty straight forward defense without having to change his arm position much at all, he never went for the attack as your reaction interrupted that outcome. You never really stated when and at what distance you were doing anything, which left an uncomfortable amount of information up in the air. I assume that the sphere thing happened before he came within range.