Woah is this active! Okay... I love that everyone is so active, but I will have to add something to one of my notes. I don't want the IC to revolve around specific people for too long, only because I like to read everyone's posts, and think everyone would as well, and when a bunch of people go back and forth you guys can bury the IC. I don't have too much of an issue with it because the posts are shorter (which is fine! They're interaction posts they're going to be shorter). Just make sure to watch to not really bog down the thread, guys! Now that we have some more active people things should improve. Just keep in mind that my posting requirement, I believe, was once a week, so some people might take that long to respond. (But, I really like you all posting while I'm gone. Stagnancy is the worst.) Also... A few things I should clarify! I really needed to elaborate on the 'pay with deeds' things in Urenda. Please wait on my next post - and stop wasting your gold at the bar! And please, don't play Reether! None of you mentioned him, and I [b]very[/b] much appreciate that! I just realized that I never mentioned that, sorry! But all of the other barkeeps are female (men are usually fighting or building because tbh that's who these times typically work domestically). [s]Im a chick, not sexist, promise.[/s] But it comes into play a lot as Reether is the only person who will confront someone, as the girls are tyipcally told to go with the flow and just report anything fishy to him. There are only two merchant kiosks in Urenda at this time, the two traveling ones I specifically mentioned. There are no stores in operation as of now. And it doesn't stink THAT bad, Kit. Well, maybe a bit. >> But that's just the unexhumed bodies of the outer city. Okay! I hate to do this, but the three of you please wait for my next post!