[b](To be edited - I have a few aesthetic things to add in here before I'm satisfied.) [/b] [i][color=f49ac2]"Why are you here? It's because you're unfortunate! Don't worry, this is a pretty nice place most of the time, and we take in all sorts of people. From misfortune-bound drifters to runaways and even just lost persons. I'm afraid that you won't be able to leave for the time being, though. I'm sorry! For now, though, I suggest that you try to get a contract with the current owner of this place. He's right in the tent at the center. Meet him after the midnight performance, and I can guarantee you a good chance! Good luck! Maybe we'll see each other again."[/color][/i] - From [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83515-nightmare-carnival/ooc#post-2848553]this[/url] interest check. [hr] [color=ed145b]Many people often feel misunderstood. Even more so when you find yourself a bit...different from most humans. The world can be a cruel place to those that don't fit in quite right, and humans can often be crueler to those they don't fully understand. With a past and a fate like yours, it's no surprise that you may feel like so unfortunate... ...but then you find the carnival. Unfortunate souls, sorrow no more! For this never-ending festival shall shelter you from your worries for the night. Or longer, should you wish. Here, if you happen to have enough luck for one night, you may make a contract with the owner and find refuge with the other misfits who can be found here. One way or another, you will also make it to this place. Your misfortune calls you to it, in an attempt to ease you troubles, perhaps. Of course, every strange deal made with odd beings at a supernatural carnival usually has some kind of unexpected price. And this might be one that grants either the greatest fortune or misfortune of your young life. [/color] [centre][color=ed1c24][b]Rules! [/b][/color] 1. Please respect all rules, both the ones here and the ones for the Guild site. 2. If you feel that there are any errors or anything that needs consideration, feel free to discuss with me. I do have the final say, however. 3. Suggestions are appreciated, but please be respectful. 4. Please respect the GM, any possible Co-GMs, and the players. It's fine to have disagreements, but keep fighting to a minimum in the OOC. 5. Make sure your "spoken words" are visibly different from your unspoken ones, please. I would appreciate if people can actually tell what you're typing as well, but I won't go crazy over spelling. 6. Anything over PG-13 needs to go to the PMs! 7. Make sure whoever you are replying to has a way of knowing that you have replied (Mention, Quote, Specific Names...). 8. If I feel the need to add/change/get rid of rules, I will leave a message in the OOC prior to doing so. 9. DO NOT CONTROL CHARACTERS THAT YOU HAVE NOT CREATED YOURSELF. Specifically designated NPCs do not apply to this rule (I will let you know which ones they are). Collaborations are fine as long as both(or all) parties agree. [hider=10.] Here is the CS! Appearance: Name: Age: Ability: Bio: (TBR is fine. Doesn't need to be long, either.) [/hider] [/centre] [hider=Gameplay] Find the plot points, change the game by affecting the environment and characters, and figure out what's really behind this show of lights and colors. GM characters are here to guide you, but how this ends is entirely up to how players interact with each other and the story points given. Have fun![/hider] [color=7bcdc8][b]Currently Used Powers [/b] Weather Control Summoning Fox-Like Characteristics Spirit Manipulation Shadow Manipulation [/color] [b]Guiding Characters[/b] (NOT NPCS. Find these ones if you don't know where to go next.) [hider=Doll 1] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/c6c5/f/2015/213/a/e/convenience_sized_carnival_by_princekage-d93oo8s.jpg[/img] [i][color=f49ac2]"Hei, hei!"[/color][/i] Height: 5'1" [/hider] [hider=Cat 1] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/fa09/i/2015/264/3/1/alistor_lemoine_digital_test_by_princekage-d9addyl.png[/img] [i][color=FFF8DC]"I'm sure it'll be fine! I don't think I fell asleep at any critical moments while making it, anyway."[/color][/i] Name: "Lucifer", he says. [/hider] [hider=Cat 2] [i][color=bc8dbf]"I hope you're hungry! And don't worry, you should be able to actually eat it this time."[/color][/i] [/hider]