"Cecil? Oh uh... Yeah, he's fine! He's just... Tired!" Ethan replied, smiling uncertainly as he carried the Machina along, "Turns out machines can get tired too, who knew? We just need to help him rest, then he'll be back to normal!" By rest he meant recharged, or given more energy, however the heck that worked. His knowledge of how Machina operated was next to zero, so helping out of their friend was going to fall to someone else's expertise. Now that they had reached Galloway, a fairly busy looking town, they should be perfectly capable of locating someone to give them a hand. That would mean asking around, something Ethan didn't have a lot of luck in the past with; given that this place was so busy, however, he was willing to wager there was at least one soul here who might lend a hand. "We'll get food too, and some new clothes for you. Don't you worry, I haven't forgotten." Galloway was far busier than what he was used to, even with the small town vibe to it. Ethan had never seen so many people in one place before, it struck him as both odd and exciting to witness such a thing. So many vendors, so many people from all walks of life: if he wasn't here on essentially work then he'd explore a little, but that could wait. First order of business was finding help for Cecil, and once that was taken care of he needed to see to Amuné as well, and maybe even Wyth if the moorcat needed anything. Speaking of... How was her wound? It seemed fairly superficial, but it never hurt to check in, maybe there was more to it than he could see. Thankfully from what Amuné said it seemed like just a surface wound, which after a cleansing and some bandages should be perfectly fine. "Okay then, so we'll get you patched up, then eat. After we help Cecil that is." They needed to be careful about how they asked though, given how uneasy people were about Cecil before. Machina were apparently not meant to look as lifelike as their friend did, so if they went around saying he was one then it might cause a fuss. Best to keep it vague then, Ethan reasoned, and only once they found someone to help would they reveal everything. There was certainly no shortage of people around to ask, yet again he should be selective with who they approached; if word got around that they were asking about Machina then someone might get suspicious, and goodness knows they didn't need more men in suits coming for them. The first person Ethan decided to approach was a traveling merchant selling what he could only assume to be were Machina parts; fixings, parts, upgrades, he had a wide variety of assorted goods for anyone who owned a machine. However when asked about them in general the man could only shrug, explaining he just sold the wares and wasn't familiar with Machina. Their next bet was a blacksmith, a man who looked to be refurbishing some kind of strange, box-shaped machine. Questioning the old smith about their quarry didn't yield any results either, and nor did their questioning of someone who was even walking with a Machina dressed like a servant. Maybe just asking about randomly was their best course of action, especially if everyone Ethan thought might have some idea was completely clueless. "I don't get it, someone should know something..." the Magi mumbled, pausing on the side of one of the busy streets. All around them people were hurrying around, the sounds of peddlers shouting and children laughing and screaming carrying well over everything. Being surrounded by so many people and so much noise made thinking a little tricky, as Ethan found out, furrowing his brow as he tried drowning out the sound. "So the smithy had no clue, and the man selling parts didn't either. Who else would know about Machina...?" Was there maybe a person here who worked with them exclusively? The man selling parts was just a vendor, and the blacksmith repaired them, neither was responsible for actually creating them. Maybe they should ask about people who built Machina then? "Huh... Amuné, figure there's a store for Machina?" Ethan asked, earnestly confused as he was unfamiliar with all of this, "Maybe if there's a place like that then we can find answers there?"