Dianna turned at the arrival of Kobe only minutes after they had spoken. “Oh, back already?” she asked when he came before he asked her to join him for training. Putting her arms behind her head she said, [color=a187be]“Sure, why not?”[/color] before following him as he seemed to look for others to find. A few ideas of what they may need groups to train for came to mind, but she decided she didn’t need to guess as she would find out shortly and it’s not as though making a write or wrong assumption mattered for now. She raised an eyebrow for a moment as Kobe approached Ryuu and he turned. The boy with the mask wasn’t really one known for being the easiest to train with. His mask was unpleasant to look at as well as it was the face of a monster. Not like he could fear Titans with it, he would only distract teammates. Despite all of this though, Dianna easily guessed a few possible ideologies that he could have for wearing the mask, and for three years he hadn’t had anyone change his mind about wearing it so it’s not like saying anything would be productive in her opinion. [color=a187be]“Hello, Ryuu is it?”[/color] she asked after a few moments. Pushing her feelings towards his mask to the side she gave a small smile and put her hand forward as an offer to shake it. While his comment on slowing him down annoyed her she had come across far worse still in training. From guys thinking that they need to protect her, guys who thought as a girl she couldn’t do as well, as well as other women who were rather unpleasant. A little bit of an ego was hardly something that would prevent her from being able to train and focus. [color=a187be]“I’m Dianna, I don’t think we have trained together all too often.”[/color]