As the bandits descended upon the caravan Raph unleashed his burning fury, his hammer became wreathed in raw flame and every strike scorched the earth before him. Before leaving the Vaenshu education system he had been given the title "Fire Lord" this title meant that he had graduated top of his class in fire magic studies. He had all but mastered how to control his flames, walking forward slowly, breathing calmly and taking great care not to set the land ablaze as he crushed and burned the simple bandits before him. In his current state not only was his hammer coated with flames but his wings themselves took on the aspect of fire, spreading out behind him in a hellish display of power, lines of fire running intricate lines along his armour. It seemed strange to Raph as he unleashed his flames the bandits seemed to go from nervous to absolutely terrified, more so than you'd usually expect someone confronted with an armored monolith of burning death would be. After striking down the fifth bandit Raph noted that they were retreating and let his flames abate. Breathing heavily he lumbered back to the caravan and made sure that everyone was alright. Urging them to pick up the pace Raph jumped up next to the driver of the first wagon so that he could catch his breath.