[center][h3][color=gold]Thomas Sephtis[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Home, moving to the Demigod Academy [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Nobody, but open for it.[/center][hr][hr] GOD. Waking up to the scent of a human arm soaking in formaldehyde is not something anyone should have to do, much less twice in a week. "MOTHER!" Thomas shouted, pulling the covers up over his nose. "WHAT DID WE DECIDE ABOUT BRINGING WORK HOME?!" "That I'd stop doing it if you would actually start setting an alarm. Get up, you're going to be late. School starts today." Thomas turned over, bashing his head against the pillow. She was right, of course, even if she was being disgusting. He hopped up, making sure everything he'd packed the day before was still packed, and that his brown hair was as ordered as it was ever going to be. Pajamas off, shiver in the cold, jeans on, shirt on... Sweater on, jacket on, coat on. Scarf was wrapped around his neck. He finally started to feel warm, pulling a pair of gloves over his hands and rubbing them together as he walked out of his room, snagging his pack on the way out and [i]thump thump thumping[/i] his suitcase on the stairs as he went down to the living room. Ha. Living room. More often there was some kind of dead thing sitting on the table in the middle of it than he and his mother did any "living" in there, the coffee table a makeshift examination platform. He didn't use said table. Ever. Under any circumstances. Even if eating off that table was somehow the only thing that could save him from a terrible case of food poisoning, he wasn't going to touch it. NOPE NADA NEVER. He kissed his mother on the cheek on the way out, throwing his stuff in his car and hitting the road. *** And, here he was. The Demigod Apartment complex. He shook his head, smiling slightly. New people. Slight frown. Who knew what exactly his dad did, "for a living".