[@SilverDawn] [@daltar] As the 'trees' began to 'glow with life' all that could be said by Mabel was, "[b]Fuck, those were my lucky dice.[/b]" She scurried over towards the roots where they landed, however, the ground didn't want to allow her safe travel. As the earth below began to shift, she lost her footing, falling face first into the roots she aimed for. Luckily, the dice were intact, and should the menacing gales of wind stop blowing a game could be played. Though, that was the last thing on Mabel's mind, as she picked the dice up from ther resting place, the tree was sent flying several meters away, knocking a few others down on its journey. "[b]That was strange.. Hey, Hana, do you think it's safe to cut these trees down? It doesn't seem like the world is too happy right now, and well, I don't wanna piss it off anymore.[/b]" She smirked at the lunacy she spoke, putting the dice back in her pocket.