[center][h3][color=Red]Clarissa Nikolina Price[/color][/h3] [Center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/49d58a0ec65f868b73112b56252a4746/tumblr_inline_mjfkr4T8Ss1ry4p53.gif[/img] [/Center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Skye Woodsen [/center] Arriving at the school grounds, Clarissa was surprised to see that the grounds looked so empty. For some reason, she was expecting them to be bustling and busy like every year before-hand. Luckily, it meant that no one would wave their finger at her brother Skye and pick on him, for a little whilst at least. She hated to see Skye being put down and bullied, just because people were jealous of his good looks and their heritage of being the Children of Aphrodite. Even though Clarissa and Skye were only one month apart; her being the older of the two siblings she was protective of her brother; despite their love/hate and teasing relationship. It was not easy being the children of Aphrodite; beauty was everything. Skye thought he was more handsome than she was, whilst she thought the exact same thing about herself. They teased each other all the time about it; but there was nothing harsh about it, just your normal sibling banter so to speak. Her brown hues took everything in and a smile formed on her lips when she saw the familiar light blonde hair. Clarissa could tell her brother apart from the rest rather easily; smiling to herself she run towards him and playfully jumped on him hugging him tightly with a giggle. [Color=Red]"BOO!!!! Miss me?.....Of course you did."[/color] She spoke in a slight teasing tone, but she sounded happy to see her brother again. Leaning over she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before she jumped back down. The Demi-Goddess wrapped her arm around his shoulder; giving Skye a slight squeeze before a smirked formed on her mouth; They were back...the two troublemakers back together. Her brown eyes were sparkling with a hint of mischief as she wondered what they could get up to again. [Color=Red] "How was your summer?" [/color] Clarissa turned to her brother, with a slight smile. She wanted to catch up with him and it seemed like they still had some time to talk and catch up. She couldn't help but wonder if he spoke to mother, Aphrodite kept in touch with the both of them and Clarissa knew that Skye loved their mother; just like she did. The slight cool breeze, ruffled her brown curls back and forth as she breathed in the fresh air; just taking everything in. She was officially back for another year....back to her other home so to speak.