[b]Megaman[/b]: If we did Megaman, I'd have to play Roll. Just sayin'. [b]Mario[/b]: It was going to be, but I never got around to it. The only FFnet thing I worked on was [url=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4914509/1/Family-Ties]Family Ties[/url] but it has been some time and it is a DBZ thing. As for contributing, of course; I didn't mean you'd have no input after all. I can see what I can recall about the continuity if we pick this one. [b]Naruto[/b]: AU kind of thing like New Generations by Gerontis was. All of the Naruto canon didn't exist and I completely rewrote a degree of the lore and mythology (and some of the pseudo-science). I have an old prebuild, but it's not up to date if you want to look at it but remember what I do would be updated and revised a bit.