[center][img]http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NErfxQp69fy4ur_1_b.jpg[/img][/center] Doom sighed as his wrist alert started beeping. He indicated to Valkyrie. "One second please." Turning around and reading the data on it he merely sighed, hitting another key combination so that his jet would be prepared. He then activated the automated defenses along the Latverian border, that would attack anything that wasn't a doom bot encroaching upon his soil. They were fools for trying to breach the wall with force, and they would learn. Or at least, the country would learn. He had doubts that anyone would survive the onslaught. He turned back around to face Valkyrie. "I am afraid an urgent matter has come up that requires my presence in Latvaria. I am sure you are aware off the... instability in some of our neighboring countries. One such country has decided, for whatever reason, to try and breach my borders with force. I will be required to speak to their leaders in person, see the damage and comfort my people. It saddens me that I won't ge tto announce to the world what the next step for Latveria is however these are trying times." He turned around and started to walk towards the door when he had an idea. "In fact, you are in the spotlight right now. Your presence may be a re-assurance to mine and the Sokovian people. Do you think S.H.I.E.L.D could spare you? I would rather avoid an all out war. Nobody wants that." Though what was left unsaid, was that it was always harder to take and hold a country by force as it left the people stale and unruly. Though Sokovia was a growing threat to Latveria, one that he may need to deal with himself. Though that plan ended sooner than he thought. There was a chime throughout the hall as Agent Coulson was brought through the door and the atrium. "Agent Coulson is it? You must have important news to be allowed past my security systems. Tell me, what is it? Have giant snakes appeared again?" There was a forced laughed. "Good one sir, no actually I'm here for Valkyrie. She's needed elsewhere, I will be your new escort." Doom looked between Coulson and Valkyrie. "No matter, I must return home to attend to my borders anyway." He waved his hand in the most uncaring way possible as he began to walk out. "Do not forget to turn the lights off when you leave." With Doom walking away Coulson spoke again. "I know this place is bugged but right now I don't care, someones kidnapped the Hulk."