[quote=@Fallenreaper] I think I get the gist, it's slightly like what I wanted to do with rp that revolved around the 7 deadly Sins. Each Sin was represented within an individual they were reincarnated and each Sin had a symbolic animal, which this reborn Sins reflected in their weapons. So, I get what you're implying though coming up with 12 different elements, conceptions, etc. might be a bit much. I might suggest having them inhabit one individual than having each sign being a weapon that your PC could summon forth. She or he could even hear the spirit's voice inside his/er head while combating either helping or hinder as well as outside combat, maybe some are more dominate than others? It might be easier to do that than purely creating 12 individual and different conceptions that would make each of them stick out from each other. [/quote] Mmmm, not quite what I meant. Um, well first I guess I should specify (just in case) that I mean the western Zodiac, so that'd be Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, etc. Second, they're kinda already split up into elements, so there's that. Although the concepts might take a bit. [hider=In Case You Wanted To Know] Fire: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn [/hider] My idea isn't that they'd be sealed into weapons, or something. They would be just...like, spirits. The core of their being is tied to their constellation, which is basically like, their origin. It goes something like, "The zodiac are each sentient beings, with powers relating to their element and their concept. They are immortal-ish, as in they can and will die, but be essentially reborn as a new being but with the same powers (If. If the core identity remains untouched.). They can and have granted their powers to humans/mortals before. They are currently...all either perma-dead or (partially)corrupted by the Nemesis (could be Umbraxis, could be a random thing I make up, depending on [@NeutralNexus]'s answer)." [quote=@VATROU] So.. Moving on then. Zodiac signs as actual beings, some kind of lesser deity maybe. Kinda like Hercules but you know without the godly strength. Am I getting that right? [/quote] Uhhh, kinda, yeah? [quote=@Athinar] Hmm, if the Zodiac signs are spirits, or actual beings, maybe Uskri could bind one of them to himself? [/quote] I think he could, although I thought he was more the type to ask nicely. And there's also the issue that not all of them are still...functioning. :p