[center]The valley was cloudy and smelled of morning dew and moist pasture, most floated aimlessly throughout the valley making it hard to see things. Arlis sat in the local tavern named the Tipsy Talonwing singing to its patrons in the dim candle lighting and the misty ominous atmospehere of the tavern as he sung of an old sailors shanty one called 'Leave her Johnny' which he chanted as he raised a mug to his audience, Arlis was once a sailor in his you set of years and he was fond of many shanties but he loved this one song. He finished and sat down a few patrons walked up to him and gave him a few gold coins which he secretly shared with the bartender. One quite tall and muscular gentlemen approached Alris with a dumb look on his face, Alris was about to shoo him when the beast spoke. "I am Davie Deren, head smith of the Deren Arc Blacksmiths I come looking for rumours and gossip!" He said this lightly and slowly in a slightly squeaky voice, Alris gave him an odd look then nodded. [color=9e0b0f]"Follow me Davie!"[/color] He turned and gestured for Davie to follow, quickly winking to the bartender who slyly fetched a few of the gold coins that he had earnt. Alris opened a door that revealed a large room furnished with a carpet and two arm chairs near a fireplace. [color=9e0b0f]"Take a seat and voice your request!"[/color] Alris said as he seated himself in one of the arm chairs, crossing his legs and clasping his hands together in his lap. "Are the rumours true about the past king?" Davie asked Alris, who coughed and slightly rolled his eyes because he was tired of telling people about the past king. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes all the rumours are true the man worshiped evil spirits and became a mad man!"[/color] Alris tapped his fingers against the leather arm chair. "Oh and what about the rumours of the wild men!" This was a story that was new amongst the people of Aaywalfal, and the rumours were quite false. [color=9e0b0f]"I will answer for about twenty gold coins!"[/color] Davie raised his eyebrows, then quickly sat back as Alris grasped his dagger. [color=9e0b0f]"That's for the last rumour and now this rumour!"[/color] Davie angrily forked a bag of clanking gold coins over to Alris, who was recounting the rumours of the wild men who were just natives who came from the unknown regions. [color=9e0b0f]"The rumours ar almost true accept those of the ones that tell that they are playing to attack us!"[/color] Davie seemed thankful and then stood wiping his forhead and nodding at Alris with a hint of jealousy in his eyes then he left. Alris simply shrugged his shoulders. [color=9e0b0f][i]"I get that all the time noting to worry about"[/i][/color] He thought as he sat comfortably in front of the fire.[/center]