Saran went to the gardens, since Zunit rituals and prayers demanded to be held under the open sky. There he got on his knees and placed a small bowl, filled with sticks and holy herbs in front of him. He proceeded by using two beautifully engraved stones to set fire too the content of the bowl. A small flame started and smoke began to rise to the sky. Smoke served as a connection from the earth to the heavens in the religion of Zunit. While the small flame burned in the relatively empty garden Saran began praying. [color=00aeef][i]"Zunit, oh Zunit! Heavenly king of kings who you dwell in the heavens! Extend your reach to us, show us our way and give us your justice!"[/i][/color], Saran spoke the beginning of his prayer in a deep, powerful voice. While speaking these words he held his arms up into the sky. When he was still living in a monastery as a monk he sometimes had held that position for longer than a day without moving, nowadays he unfortunately had no times for such a long period of prayer and meditation. Zunit followers where expected to worship at least once a day, even if only for a short time. While being on his knees motionless, his arms stretched into the sky and his eyes closed his mind wandered. He thought about the king. He was still a child, but that did not excuse his behavior. This land deserved a just king, and this boy had still the chance to be one. Saran recalled as it was written in the holy scriptures: [i]For every man I have given his way. A just king may feast at my hall with a a diligent farmer. For when every man follows the way I gave him my heavenly kingdom shall be on earth.[/i] The King needed to know his way. Everyone did. Saran found his long ago, now he had to help other people find theirs. He sighed as the flame died and he stud up...