Lance looked at Azai with rather unamused look on his face. "You don't have to be rude about it." Lance said as he watched Azai walk away from him. Azai was making a mistake by turning his back on him and getting between Lance and Cia. "We don't actually need the wolf, we just need it's heart. Although I think our employer might have said something about bringing him it's brain... oh wait It was the Brain I needed from it, and the employer needs the heart." Cia said thinking to herself. She knew that a fight would break out soon, but she prepared for it. There was a small wall of earth about as a high as Cia's feet. "Now I'm going to give you a chance to walk out of here without conflict and we can all go our seperate ways, hand over the wolf." Cia said several other areas of earth were rising but each were no taller than an inch. Some even lifting in the form of magic circles. Cia had a feeling that this man wouldn't give up easily, and she was prepared to fight to get that wolf. Lance standing behind Azai was cracking his knuckles waiting for Azai to make the first move. Of course if Azai went to dodge the Lance would go straight for the wolf.