Hugh felt the rain making his skin tender to the touch, turning it pink and wrinkly. He felt the drips of water collecting in his hair and dripping down on his face. The water no longer caused him to shiver, as he stood there with Sana. He felt the desperation of having to deal with these visions he would suffer, putting just that much of a distance from Sana and him. He remembered the trouble of waking up in night sweats from nightmares he could not escape fast enough. He would have done anything to be free from his burdened mind just to have a full relationship with Sana and live as if so much bad hadn't happened. He might always feel this separation, but it was something he would never stop fighting to make sure him and Sana were together. It was one thing to fight the demons that came to cause physical harm, but when they came from Hugh's mind and put him in his own hell, it was not such a straightforward battle. Her words would sting him like thousands of needles. He just wished that they didn't have to fight through this void. He didn't want her to live in the shadow of his past, but he hadn't chosen everything that had happened to him; it had just all happened whether or not he wanted it. All he could do was decide what to do with the time that was given. It wouldn't take much deliberation to figure out what to do with that time; he wanted to spend it with Sana, even if there was this burden he brought. He would continue to fight it off. Though it affected his habits; heavy drinking, to the point where it didn't affect him anymore and he didn't even feel a buzz from amounts of alcohol that would knock out other people. That in itself was a strange blessing. He had taken up drinking a long time ago, before suffering from his downfalls. Smoking had been another habit that helped him cope, but he smoked for the enjoyment, not just to blot out the stress. If he did more things to blot out the pain, he would be weak. He needed to deal with it and face it head on. Hugh squeezed her body tight against his own, absorbing everything she said. All that she said was true, but he loved her deeply and cared for her. He wasn't going to let a stupid thing like nightmares from the past keep him from her side. There was nothing more he could say as she held herself against him. He wanted her to know just by his actions that he loved her and that he would do what ever it took to fight past his demons. In that moment, there was a pain in Sana that Hugh didn't know how to heal. When she pulled herself away, she dropped a huge surprise on him; the news that Ariana was actually related to her. He couldn't help but agree with her about how they couldn't force Ariana to look at them as parents. He didn't want her to see them as parents either, as it was cruel to her. "I'm with you on that. She should know who you are to her." He said, nodding, and showing his agreement.